T W E N T Y | balance

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There was something about this date that needed to be special, I can't simply just go out with her and not do anything memorable.

Especially since this was long overdue.

Obviously the minute I met this girl, walk in with a cup of coffee and a muffin in her hand, I always thought she and I were only going to be roommates because I never really lived in the cliché. She and I were different in many aspects of our lives; she kept to herself, while I was open. She was an art major and I was music. She claimed to be too bad for me, and she thought I was too good for her.

But we balanced each other out.

I didn't think that she'd be the type to engage in a prank war with me, and even if I almost failed a class, I'm glad she was fun loving as well.

She was something different, I hadn't met a girl quite like her.

So that's why I went to my professor for help with this date. He was a man in his early forties, and had a slouch, his voice was expressive though, despite his... Boring exterior. I was able to talk to him because he was the one that gave me the thumbs up to be apart of the scholarship program.

"Professor Henry, I need your help," I rushed in after his class had ended.

"I swear Daniel if you're going to ask me to help you tune your cello, it's tuned! It's always been tuned, it will always be tuned," he rambled and I stopped, tilting my head in confusion. "This is not about your cello?"

I shook my head, "It's about a girl-"

"Oh thank the heavens, I don't know what I'd do if I ever helped tune another string instrument, I'm going to- wait, did you say a girl?" I nodded. "Oh my, Daniel! Seriously? Wow, it's about time." I couldn't help but send the man a flat look. "Anyways, who is she?"

"Mason Dorne," I told him.

"Ah... Is she the art student you mentioned before?" I nodded. "So, you plan on finally asking her out I presume?"

"Yes, because she and I will be going on a date tonight, and if that goes well, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend," I explained, before sighing, "the thing is, I don't know how."

"And you're here for my help on that?" Once again, I nodded. "Hmm... Does she appreciate good music?"

"Uh yeah sure."

"Then I will give you your next assignment," he exclaimed, standing up and going to the board, "I want you to sing to her when you plan on asking her out, but not just a song about love and all that crap, but when you ask her out, you have to sing to her."

"I have to sing?"

"Make up some song-don't say the words, you have to sing the words," he explained.

"But what if she won't appreciate it?" I asked. "Mason... She's unpredictable, so I don't know if she'll find it to be cringe worthy, or good, or she'll even say yes... I'm shooting blind, Professor!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, Seavey," he uttered. "She'll appreciate it."

"How do you know that?"

"If she doesn't, she's not the one."

"Yeah, but still..."

"Okay, fine! If she doesn't appreciate it, I'll give you an A for your semester," he offers, "if she does appreciate it, buy me a slice of pizza." His offer caused me to furrow my brows in confusion.

"Just a slice?"

"Look kid, I might be a college professor and you might think that pays well... But I have a wife, and she gave birth to triplets... Do you see where I'm going with this?"

Balance | Daniel Seavey AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum