T H R E E | motherly love

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It's been a good few days since my first day, and we've finally entered the weekend, and I've never felt so relieved.

Only yesterday did Corbyn and I make plans to visit a museum nearby for an assignment Michaels gave us. "We're already on first name basis anyways," I remember him saying as I tried to keep my head up from Michaels' lecture, "So the museum opens tomorrow at 10, and if we make it, we'll be the first ones there."

"But you've done the assignment."

"And you'll do it again next year, what's your point?" I didn't have answer for his argument so I caved and now, I was waiting for him to pick me up. I had gotten back from the showers, Daniel was out for breakfast with Jack, so I was able to change without feeling awkward to kick him out. I put on a pair of shorts and loose t-shirt since the sun was out today, slid my feet in some heeled boots before slinging a shoulder bag over my shoulder with my essentials.

The door opened as I scrolled through my phone by my desk, revealing Daniel entering with a paper bag that he tossed to me. "Don't you look dressed up? Been a week and you already have a date? Mason, you're on fire."

"Ha-ha, what'd you buy?" I asked, pulling the bag open.

"Turkey sandwich," he told me and I thanked him. I ate the sandwich as I waited for Corbyn to arrive, not ignoring Daniel's eyes staring at me. "So where are you going?"

"Museum a few blocks away," I told him, "a friend and I have an assignment." He ponders for a bit, and I watch him skeptically, slowly chewing on my sandwich.

"So this friend... it's a boy, isn't it?" I hum cautiously. "And are you interested in him?" His face was calm, as he swayed in his chair and I almost choked on my bite.

"Of course not and I don't see why this concerns you," I exclaimed.

He lifts his arms in defense, an innocent grin spreading across his face, "Hey, I—as a roommate—needs to know that you won't be bringing him into the dorm and—"

"Dude!" I exclaimed, struggling to swallow the last piece of my sandwich. "What the hell? You sound like an actual parent—your face is, like, fourteen, but your mind is like forty!" He only smiled wider, finding the good in what I said.

"That makes me mature for my age," he grinned.

I stared at him, "Nothing will get to you, huh?"

"Nope," he pops the 'p', "I'm a positive person." I groan, slapping my hand over my face as I tried to calm myself. A knock then sounded at the door, and before Daniel could reach for it, I stopped him, sending a warning look before pulling the door open.

There stood Corbyn, but this time he had a pair of glasses over his eyes, that I rose my brows towards. He smirked, tapping the frame, "To make me look smarter."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, stepping out and pulling the door to close it, but was stopped when a foot stepped between.

"You must be my roommate's... friend." I didn't ignore the emphasis on the word as I glared at him. "I'm Daniel Seavey, just call me Danny." Corbyn and Daniel shook hands.

"Corbyn," he smiled. "And if you're thinking that she and I are on a date, we're not—I have a girlfriend." I couldn't help but smile widely at the comment, as Daniel's cheeks began to turn red and he glanced between the two of us, letting out an awkward 'oh'.

"Well then... you two have a good day," he says before he quickly shuts the door and I burst out laughing.

"That was hilarious," I commented. I was aware of Corbyn's girlfriend since he told me yesterday after the lecture, just to make sure I wasn't getting other ideas—which I honestly wasn't. It made everything a bit comfortable between the two of us as we headed towards the museum. Conversation was scarce since we had the radio on, and weren't close enough to spark up random topics whenever we felt like it.

"All we have to do as take pictures, create an essay about what we felt and saw with the five paintings and boom, done." Corbyn explained. I only nodded, not uttering a word as we entered the museum. I stared at the pictures with pure adoration; my mom never understood why I enjoyed art and why it makes me feel some type of way—that's something to add to the list she doesn't agree with when it comes to me.

"Why don't we just..." he pauses, looking around the gallery, "split up, and take pictures and notes, then at—" Corbyn checked his watch "—11:15, we'll see who has the best results, alright?" I agree with his idea before going to the second building, and reading each description of the painting, taking pictures of the one with a touching backstory.

I found one of a mother hugging her child, the gender not mentioned but she was holding onto the baby for dear life. The title of the work was "Motherly Love"; an irreplaceable emotion from mother to child as they are connected in many ways possible and the mother protects the child from the metaphorical gunman standing by the doorway.

Something my mom lost two years ago, and never got back before I moved here.

I decided to add this to the assignment, taking a few pictures before writing down the description in my notebook.

A few more pictures and it was already 11:15, and I met Corbyn in the lobby. He and I agreed to pick two from his choices and three from mine—one of which was the motherly love painting.

"You seem to have written more about the painting than you had to," Corb points out, "Did it hit a nerve or something?"

"You could say so," I answered with a shrug, avoiding eye contact to tell him that I didn't want to talk about it.

"Anyways, all we have to do is compile them into a document, print it out and send both print-out and file to Michaels before Monday," he explained, "he prefers both to make sure we don't copy and paste."

"Thanks for this, Corbyn," I told him honestly when we arrived back at the dorms. "Your girlfriend must really like you." That caused him to laugh, before ruffling my hair and going to his own dorm.

I entered my dorm to find Daniel asleep on his chair, his head titled far back as he crossed his arms over his chest, his mouth slightly agape.

I used to do this to all of my cousins when they fall asleep around me.

I grabbed a pencil liner before approaching Daniel slowly. If he wants us to act like roommates, then pranks should always be involved. I gently drew on his face, creating a monocle and curly moustache then finally adding a unibrow.

I could've used one of my oil paints because that would be hard to wash off, but we've been roommates for a week, it needs to slowly progress.

The final touch, I grabbed my quill, using the feather to tickle his nose at it scrunched and moved around. His eyes squeezed shut before they fluttered opened, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Probably confused on why I was rolling on the floor in laughter.

"J-Jack told you to m-meet him outs-side," I lied in between laughs.

"Why are you laughing so hard though?" I composed myself, lying down on the floor as I tried to control my breathing, but when Daniel looked down to check on me, I lost it.

He sort of caught on, and rushed to my mirror set on my desk, and inhaled sharply. He then began muttering under his breath, "I'm a positive person—I don't need this negativity."

"Gotta be balanced though." 


what did you think about this chapter? and this is also where their mini prank war begins, by the way :) if you enjoyed the chapter, vote, comment, share, add it to your reading list, anything. i hope you have a lovely day/evening. thank you :)x

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