He slapped me.

Blood starts pooling in my mouth as I slump to the side trying to recover from his hit.

He had so much force with that one slap it felt like a full fledged punch.

I spit the blood beside me on the floor as I roll my jaw in pain. Huffing out a breath I look up to him, glaring daggers in his direction. I've been abused before bud, you're going to have to try harder. My mind speaks up, and as if he heard me, he hits me again. I didn't know it could be possible, but it was harder. "Don't you fucking dare look at me like that again," he growls out clenching and unclenching his fists by his side.

Yeah, that terrified feeling has come back. Here's a reminder Willa, always be terrified never livid.

"I told you that we could do this the easy way or hard way. Now fucking tell me why you're in our territory!" He yells in my face, and lookey there, here comes the waterworks.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I tell him quickly trying to avoid getting hit again. "Please let me go," I plead, sobbing in the chair.

He shakes his head at me as he turns around to a switch upon the wall. "I'm going to get it out of you sometime." Then he flicks the switch.

Suddenly waves of electricity pumps into the metallic chair sending shocks into my body. Every muscle in my body tenses, every hair stands on end with the voltage. A blood curdling scream leaves my mouth as I constrict with pain. I scream and scream even though my throats feels as if it's on fire.

I've never endured this much pain. I've only experience slaps, punches, burns, cuts, but never bolts of electricity being pumped into my body.

After what feels like hours he shuts off the device.

I slump in my seat hanging my head low as pants of breaths exit my lips and a constant river of sweat occasionally drops onto the floor.

I barely have time to recuperate from the electricity before another slap is planted on my cheek. This time he successfully slits my cheekbone with his passing nail, and yet again my mouth pools with blood.

Instead of spitting it out fiercely like the time before, I simply let it drip out of my opened mouth not finding the effort.

"Like I said before, why the hell are you on our fucking territory!" He screams again at me, but I don't even take the effort to tell him I have no idea what he's talking about.

My hair messily covers my face hiding my tear ridden and bloodied face from the monster before me. What did I ever do to deserve this miserable life?

His footsteps turn and walk further away from me and before I know it, I'm in immense pain once again.

I scream again, and then again, and then again as the rounds of electricity don't stop the longer I don't respond. I don't see the need to respond when he doesn't believe my truth.

I slump in my seat after another round of shocks. I'm sure my face is covered in bruises and cuts, as a thick layer of sweat resides on the surface of my skin. Slowly my energy is depleting and I'm shifting more and more to a never ending sleep of death.

"She's not talking Alpha," the man I've grown to hate says suddenly. I guess I didn't hear the door open over my constant panting.

Wait Alpha? What the fuck does that mean?

Another voice grumbles and walks towards me. I refuse to look up, I refuse to look my nightmare in the eye. I don't want that to be the last thing I see before I die.

"Tell me girl, why did you and your worthless self waltz into my territory," an unfamiliar voice booms just before me.

I keep my head down as my eyes begin to close. This is it, this is where my life will be ending. I always thought that it might be at the hand of my stepfather, but no it's of some other guys who also hurt me in torturous ways. Let me tell you that my life has been great. Hint the sarcasm.

Suddenly my chin is gripped tightly in a big hand. He forces my head up against my will. No! No I don't want to look at him, I don't want to see his monstrous face. But yet again he's way stronger than I am.

So with the last bit of life I had hiding in me I fiercely look into deep blue eyes. Immediately the man's expression changed from a livid, stoic expression to a surprised and soft one. "Mate," I hear him whisper.

I was about to question him but I had no energy to do so. My head falls heavily onto the man's hand as my eyes close. I had no energy to keep them open anymore.

"Jared! Quickly get the Pack Doctor!" I hear the man in front of me yell as the cold clasps around my limbs grew nonexistent. Suddenly I grow warm against a buff body as I'm hoisted into the man's arms. But then I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't fight anymore. So I gave into the darkness creeping over me, giving into the never ending rest.

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