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It was late in the afternoon and I just got a text from Peter saying that Ned was at his apartment and I could come over too. I texted him back right away and told him I would be over soon. I threw a hoodie on over my shirt, put on my snow boots and grabbed a bag to put my stuff in.

"Hey Steve, where's my dad at?"

"In the lab with Bruce, why?" he replied.

"I need to ask him if I can go to Peter's."

"Ohhh, to Peter's huh?"

"Shut up," I grumbled then walked away.

I heard him laugh. I got to the lab to see my dad tinkering away on something.

"Hey dad, could I go to Peter's house for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure. Just be home by at least 11:30 please."

"Okay, thank you!" I said grinning.

"Uh huh. Tell Happy to take you, he should be in his office."

I went off to Happy's office and asked him to take me. He groaned but got up. Once we got in the car I saw the fuzzy dice I got him hanging on the rear view mirror. I grinned. Soon we were in front of Peter's apartment building.

I thanked Happy for driving me then went into the building. I got to Peter's door and knocked. I could hear some shuffling and a few mumbles then the door opened.

"Hey y/n!" Peter said.

"Hi, Pete!"

He stepped aside so I could come in.

"May is at work right now but she'll be home soon and Ned is...oh he's right there."

I grinned at Ned, "Ned, I got you a Christmas present."

"Really!" he said, his eyes wide.

I laughed took it out of my bag and handed it to him.

He went and sat down on the couch to open it. Peter following behind him. I took my shoes off and put them by the door then went and sat next to them. Ned opened up the present then grinned.

"No way, a Star Wars sweater!" he said.

I smiled. Peter looked over at it. "No way! That's so cool!" he said.

I couldn't help but laugh at how excited they were about it. Ned got up and started to walk away with the sweater.

"I'm gonna go put this on." he said.

Just a few seconds later he came out wearing the sweater grinning.

"This. Is. Amazing. Thank you so much!" he said.

He sat back down next to us then handed me a box.

"I got you something too." he told me.

I opened up the box and inside I found an Iron Man bobble head. I burst out laughing and pulled in out. "Oh my gosh. This is amazing."

Peter started laughing too.

"What's so funny?" Ned asked.

I started laughing harder.

"You guys are weird." he said.

I finally calmed down a bit, "Thank you Ned, I love it."

He smiled, "You're welcome."

We talked about random things and how our Christmas breaks have been. We all sat in silence for a while and then I got a brilliant idea.

"Ohh, can we build a blanket fort?"

Ned and Peter both got wide eyed and started at me.

"Lets. Do it." Peter said grinning.

We all jumped up. Peter got blankets and me and Ned moved furniture around so we could make a perfect blanket fort. It took a while and we got into a few arguments about how we should make it but eventually we finished it.

The three of us laid blankets on the inside and a million pillows. We were all laying down inside of it and watched "Hercules" on a little TV that Peter found. We then heard a noise at the door. Peter paused the movie and we listened.

Slowly we peaked our heads out of the fort. The door then opened and we saw May staring at us with a confused expression. I bit my lip to keep me from laughing.

"Uhh...hi May," Peter said awkwardly.

I giggled not being able to help it.

"What...are you guys doing?" she asked.

"We, ah...built a blanket fort," Peter said.

She smiled at us, "Okay, make sure you clean it up. Do you guys want pizza or something?"

We all looked at each other then slowly nodded.

"Sure," Peter told her.

"Okay, I'll order some."

"Thanks May," I said.

"Thanks May," Peter and Ned said.

We went back inside the blanket fort. I covered my face and started laughing.

"Well, that was embarrassing." I said.

Peter and Ned started laughing. For the rest of the night we ate pizza and watched old Disney movies.

This one is kinda random I just got this idea and thought it would be cute...

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