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At The Avengers Meeting...

"Alright you are probably wondering why I have gathered you all here." Tony told everyone in front of him. "We are here because we need to help y/n."

Natasha sat up, "Why is she in trouble?"

Tony grinned, "No, through her Christmas break we have a mission one of our biggest ones yet."

"Well what's y/n got to do with it?" Wanda asked.

"She is the mission. Her and Spider-Boy totally like each other so we are going to get them together."

Wanda grinned, "I am so in." Clint nodded and grinned in agreement.

"Me too," said Bucky.

"Count me in too." Sam said.

Thor laughed loudly. "YES!" He yelled.

"Fine I guess I'll help," grumbled Bruce.

"I guess I could be of assistance as well." said Vision.

"I don't really know them that well but sure, why not help." Scott told them.

Everyone turned and looked at Steve. "What about you Mr. America?" Tony asked.

He groaned, "Fine, but nothing to weird." Everyone cheered. "So what's the plan?" he asked.

Tony smiled slyly, "Glad you asked cap. First we need someone to convince Peter to ask y/n to the gala."

Sam raised his hand, "I will."

"Alright, at the gala when they are together we have to do what we can to get them under mistletoe. And if that doesn't work I have a plan B." Tony said.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"At the New Years party we will lock them in a closet or something and make them kiss at midnight."

"Well let's just hope it doesn't come down to that." Nat said.

FYI: You and Peter were not in on that meeting!!! lol you props knew that but whatever just letting you know


I still had a few hours to kill until I was going to Peter's house. I looked around the compound but I couldn't find anyone. "Hey Friday, where is everyone?" I asked.

"They are in the conference room." she replied. I nodded then headed off to see what they were doing. I knocked on the door then tried to open it.

"Don't come in yet! One minute!" I heard someone yell. Then the door opened just a crack. I could see Sam's eye poking out of the crack.

"Uh hey y/n, what's up?" he asked

"I just wanted to know what you guys were doing."

"Oh we are just having a meeting nothing fun."

"What are you guys really doing?" I asked.

Nat poked her head through the door. "Don't come in we have some of your Christmas presents in here." She said with a stern look.

"Fine I'll leave." you said rolling your eyes. You walked back into your room then watched y/f/m. By the time the movie was over it was around 5:30 so I figured I could leave. I texted my dad and told him I was leaving and he told me Happy would take me.

I walked out to the front to find Happy in the car. He nodded his head to me when I got in then drove off. A few minutes later we arrived at Peter's apartment building. I got out of the car then Happy yelled at me, "I'm gonna be back here in like three hours to pick you up. Your dad wants you home kinda early."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine." I headed up to Peter's apartment then knocked on the door. Peter's aunt opened the door.

"Hey y/n! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good." I smiled.

She smiled back, "Well Peter and Ned are in Pete's room."

I nodded and walked into the apartment. I knocked on Peter's door then opened it. I saw Peter and Ned on the ground talking, well they more of arguing about something.

"Hey guys." I said.

Hey y/n, what's up?" Ned asked.

"Nothing really, what were you two talking about before I walked in?" I asked curiously.

Peter's face turned slightly pink, "Uh nothing, n-nothing really." Ned smirked.

"Uh huh, sure." I said. I went and sat next to them. "So what exactly is this that we are making?" I asked them.

Ned looked at me in shock. "Have you ever seen Star Wars?"

"I think when I was little but I don't remember it like at all."

Ned looked at Peter, "Peter we have a change of plans we are watching Star Wars."

He nodded in agreement, "I'll get the movies." He got up and left his room. "Ned get the snacks!" he called to him.

Ned jumped up and ran off, "On it!"

"What the hell is happening?" I mumbled.

Peter peaked his head through the door. "Are you coming?" he asked me.

I got up and grinned. I sat on the couch. Peter and Ned came and sat down. Peter was between me and Ned. But it seemed like Peter was sitting closer to me. I didn't mind though. Throughout the entire movie I had to keep asking who was who and what was happening. Ned would try to explain everything but I didn't understand anything he told me so then Peter would have to explain.

Then the movie was over. "So what did you think?" Ned asked.

"Eh, I'm more into superheroes, like the Avengers and whatnot" I said trying not to smirk.

"Of course you are," he said rolling his eyes.

"Well I mean I liked it but there are things I would rather watch."

Ned groaned, "Peter get her away from me!"

Me and Peter just laughed at him. We talked for a little bit about random things but then I got a text from Happy telling me he was there to pick me up. "Ugh I have to go, Hap-MY DAD is here to pick me up." I could feel my face heating up from what I about said. "Well I should go. Bye guys, we should get all together again soon."

I walked over to the door with Peter behind me. I grabbed my coat then grabbed the door handle, "Well, I will see you later." I smiled.

"Yeah, later," he smiled at me shyly.

"Bye y/n!" Ned called to me.

"Bye Ned!" I yelled back. I looked back at Peter, "Bye" I waved a little then walked out. I turned around to see Peter with a funny look on his face. When he saw me looking at him he waved and grinned.

When I got to the car Happy was not happy. "What took you so long?!" he complained to me.

"Sorry I was saying bye." He rolled his eyes at me then we drove away.

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