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You and Peter texting:

Peter: Hey! What happened today after you punched flash? Did you get in trouble?

You: Yeah i got detention for a week but that was it so...

Peter: That's not to bad

Peter: Oh fyi Ned's coming over with the lego set tomorrow at 5

You: Kay i will be there, oh and you are invited to come and train with the avengers tomorrow morning at 7:00

Peter: Really?

You: yeah, i don't really know what we are doing tho...or why they are making us join them

Peter: Thats kinda random...oh well, I'll be there

You: Okay, we will be outside in the training yard

Peter: Got it. See ya then

You and MJ texting:

MJ: Hey I heard you punched Flash in the face

You: Yeah... it was pretty badass

MJ: Damn I wish I could've been there

You and Ned texting:


You: Lol thanks Ned


That morning I went to the training yard in a big coat. No one was out there. I wondered if they were pulling some stupid prank on me. Then I saw Peter.

"Hey, where is everyone?" he asked.

"I have no idea. They might be running late but that doesn't seem like them."

"Do you think they could be pulling a prank on us?"

"Probably," I grumbled. We both laughed a little then we sat in silence. I was concidering going inside but then something fell from above and hit Peter on top of the head. It was a snowball. I couldn't help it so I laughed.

"What the hell?" he mumbled.

Then Sam came flying off of the roof and yelling, " SNOWBALL FIGHT!"

Right after everyone else popped out of no where and started throwing snowballs at us.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled. I made a snowball and threw it and hit Scott in the face. "Common Peter come help me kick some ass!"

He laughed and followed me onto the field. We threw snowballs as we went. I hit everyone except for Wanda who was using her powers to throw a handful snowballs at a time. Clint was using some sort of slingshot to shoot snowballs at everyone. Then because I couldn't help it I threw one at Peter.

"Hey! I thought we were working together?"

"Not anymore!" I giggled and ran away. He chased after me and threw a snowball at my back. We laughed and chased each other through the yard. He got in front of my and smashed a snowball into my hair. "Hey!" I yelled while laughing. He ran off.

Then someone came up behind me and picked me up. It was Thor. He was yelling a battle cry then he threw me into a huge pile of snow.

"You are gonna get it Thor!" I yelled at him while laughing. I chased after him and threw a million snowballs at him. He just giggled like an idiot. He then went and made a huge snowball then threw it. I ducked before it could hit me. It then hit Wanda in the back of the head.

"Uh oh." I said. "Run Thor before she kills you!"

Wanda glared at him then buried him in a pile of snow with her powers. He just laughed. I then made a snowball and hit Steve with it. He came over ready to attack but then one hit him in the head. I saw my dad behind him grinning. I then threw a snowball at him. He glared at me but then laughed.

I looked around to see Nat and Bucky in an epic fight. Sam, Scott and Steve where all fighting and giggling like a bunch of school girls. Clint, Peter and my dad where fighting against each other. Wanda was laughing at Thor in his big snow pile. We were probably out there for two hours until we decided to go inside.

Once we got inside we were all soaking wet from the snow. We made hot chocolate then sat together in the common room. "So who's idea was it to have a surprise snowball fight?" I asked.

"It was Bucky's!" Sam said. "For once in his life he actually had a good idea."

Bucky glared at Sam.

I laughed, "I was so confused I had no idea what was happening!"

Scott laughed, "My favorite was seeing Parker's confused face when that first snowball hit him."

We laughed and talked about the best parts of the fight. Then Bruce walked in. "What the hell were you doing out there?" he asked.

"We had a snowball fight." Peter explained. Bruce rolled his eyes then walked away. Tony, Steve and Sam went to the kitchen and made a huge brunch for all of us. We ate and watched a Christmas movie.

"This better become a tradition," I said.

"I agree, that was very fun." said Wanda.

Tony smiled, "That's a great idea."

"Next time we should choose teams," Peter added.

I laughed, "That sounds good."

We all sat together and talked about more Christmas traditions but eventually everyone left, having places to be. "Parker, Happy is out front waiting to take you home. y/n will you walk him up there?" my dad asked.

I nodded. We walked to the front of the compound to see the car. "Well, I will see you later Pete."

He gave me a crooked smile, "Yeah, see you later."

"Oh also I totally kicked your ass today."

"Ha, you wish." I grinned at him and he grinned back. He walked to the car. I turned around to see Wanda smirking.

"What?" I asked.

"You two totally like each other."

"No we don't! We're just friends!"

She smirked again, "You can keep telling yourself that, but you totally like each other."

I rolled my eyes. Bucky walked past us then turned and came back over to us. "Are you talking about how Spider-Boy and y/n like each other?" he asked.

Wanda laughed, "Yup. See even Buck knows you two like one another!"

I rolled my eyes again, "Yeah, whatever, I doubt Peter would ever like me."

Bucky smirked, "Yeah he does." Then he walked off, "Wanda we got a meeting to go to."

Wanda grinned then followed after Bucky. I walked off to my room. They don't know what they're talking about. Well, yeah I have a huge crush on Peter but I totally doubt he likes me back.

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