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Sam and Peter's conversation:

Peter had come to the compound early the next morning. He had gotten a text from Tony saying they needed to have a quick and private chat.

When Peter was leaving Stark's lab he ran into Sam Wilson. Him and Sam have never really talked before so Peter began to feel awkward when Sam started talking to him.

"Hey Pete. Can I ask you something?" Sam asked after they talked for a little bit.

"Uh yeah, sure."

"Do you like y/n?" he asked.

"Yeah, I mean I like her in a f-friend way but that's all."

"Mmhmm, sure ya do." Sam then stared at him waiting for him to admit the truth.

"Alright, fine. Yeah, I like her...like a lot."

Sam grinned, "Well you know what you should do then right?"

Peter nodded, "Wait, what should I do?"

Sam laughed. "You should ask her out. Maybe ask her to the gala. I'm sure she'll say yes."

Peter nodded, "You really think she will?"

Sam nodded, "Positive."

Peter smiled, "Alright, I will."


The next morning I was woken up by Wanda and Nat. "Get up you lazy ass, we're going dress shopping." Nat said.

"Noooo," I groaned then threw my blanket over my head.

"Come on you need to get a dress for the gala." I heard Wanda say.

"Get ready to go or else we will pick the ugliest dress we can find for you." said Nat.

"Fine, I'm up! Now get out so I can get dressed."

They left my room so I got up, put on some leggings and a big hoodie. I brushed my hair and teeth then put on my winter boots. I walked out of my room. "Lets go bitches."

Nat rolled her eyes then handed me a doughnut. Then we headed off. Nat drove us to a huge fancy building with dresses everywhere. One of the workers came over to us and handed us a few dresses she thought would look good on us. Then we looked around to find dresses we liked.

I couldn't find anything. All the dresses I found in my size were way to flashy or just plain ugly. I found one but it looked kinda small.

"Just try it on, maybe it will fit." Wanda told me.

The three of us then headed to the dressing room. "You know, you think they would have more dressing rooms for how big this place is but whatever." I grumbled.

Wanda tried on her favorite dress she found and showed us. It looked perfect on her. It was blue and very simple but she looked beautiful in it. Then Nat tried on a black dress she had found. It looked great on her with her fiery red hair.

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