Season 3 Ep 2 & 3

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"You told your mom about my leg, didn't you?" Raven snapped, "Why did you do that?"

"Raven you're in pain, okay? I didn't know what else to do! She's a doctor, she can help."

"I don't need your help! I don't need hers either!"

"Okay, I don't understand why you're so upset! Every time someone reaches out to you and shows they care, you shut down. Why do you do that? I'm the only one here, Raven." I snapped.

"I didn't come here for a therapy session, okay?" Raven rolled her eyes, "Just back off and maybe try to fix your own issues."

"My issues?" I scoffed, "And what issues do I have?"

"Maybe the fact that your own girlfriend would rather go be a grounder than be here with you." 


A handful of us now gathered in Mount Weather. Most of us consisted of the Farm Station and our wounded.

"Welcome!" Pike smiled, greeting Bellamy.

"You all sure have made yourself at home here, huh?" Octavia scoffed.

"There's gotta be at least, what, 30 of you here?" I stated.

"36, but the more the better!" Pike smiled again.

"The grounders are going to think we moved in." Octavia snapped, "I'm outta here."

Before leaving, she shoved the bags into the rest of us and stormed off.

"O!" Bellamy shouted after her.

"Don't, I got her." I relieved, chasing after her.

I found myself outside, searching the area for her. I finally looked up to see her sitting on top of the door to Mount Weather.

"You okay?" I asked, getting her to shake her head.

I sighed and climbed up to join her, taking a seat beside her.

"This is such a mistake being here." She scoffed, "I can't wait to get out of here."

My head snapped to her direction, "Wait, you're gonna leave?"

"I don't fit in here, Aiden. I'm sorry..." She sighed, taking my hand into hers.

"I'm here... You fit in with me. Your hand fits in mine. Octavia, why would you leave. Again."

Before she could reply, Bellamy came rushing outside to us. He spoke about an assassin that was at Polis, where our people were headed. They all decided to go, where as I chose to stay back and help others here.

"I'll come back." Octavia promised, placing a kiss onto my cheek.


"This is ridiculous!" Raven shouted, "Okay, I give up!"

"Raven... well, the one I know, she wouldn't give up." I smirked.

"She does now." she snapped, finally looking at me with red eyes.

"Come on, Raven. Have you talked to Abby?" I started, "Say some machine was broken, but in order to fix it... it would be really hard. Would you still try? Of course you would! Because you are stubborn as hell! So, look around. The medicine in this place, plus my mom, it could fix your leg! Let her help you... let ME help."

"What if she can't fix it." Raven spoke, now crying, "What if I'm just broken."

I let a soft smile come across my face as I wiped her tears away with my thumb, "Just take a chance. If it doesn't work out, at least you tried and I'll be there to catch those broken pieces."

Raven nodded and determination grew on her face. We worked harder on the codes, but we became worried when Gina's radio was cut off in the middle. We repeatedly asked for her to reply, but nothing came. Finally, she replied, saying that the assassin set off the self destruct and the code was on his arm.  I saw a figure run past our door and I instantly was in pursuit. We were making turns and running faster and faster. 

I chased him all the way outside, but he was no where to be found. I let out a breath and suddenly a body crashed into me and I was pinned to the ground. I managed to get a few hits and but I was now keeping his knife from lodging into my chest. His strength was starting to overcome mine, and just as the tip of the blade was on my neck, a shot fired through the air and the grounder fell to the ground. I looked up to see Raven running towards me.

We radioed back to Gina, trying to tell her that we had the code to stop it all. But we were too late. Raven got up to try and go back in, but I managed to grab her just as the mountain erupted in flames. As the smoke filled my lungs I coughed it all out and reached for the radio. Going to Polis was a trap, but the trap was here and not there. I felt the tears swell into my eyes as my voice cracked over the radio.

"Bellamy... Bell, the grounders attacked Mount Weather." I cried.

"What do you mean?"

"It's all gone... We're the only ones that made it out. I'm so sorry." I cried louder, "I'm so sorry."


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