Season 7 Ep 11-12

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"Thank god for the flame." Gabriel sighed as he continued to stuff his face. "I doubt they have this in jail."

"We're really just gonna sit here and eat? Like nothing is wrong?" I scoffed, pushing my plate away.

Clarke let out a breath, "He's right. The only reason we aren't in cells right now is because they think I still have the flame."

"And here I thought destroying it meant we were done with it." rolled my eyes.

Octavia gave me a sly smirk and placed a comforting hand on my leg. Before we could discuss anything else, the Shepherd entered. Clarke spoke first, saying that she would help him... but only AFTER we all were back on Sanctum. She seems to keep forgetting that we are a 2 for 1 deal at the moment.

He didn't reply to her, he just stepped aside so another person could join us in the room. Only when that person was able to be seen clearly... it didn't take us long to recognize the old friend that we had been trying to find. One that we thought we had lost forever.

"Bellamy?" Clarke breathed in disbelief.

"H-How?" Echo shook her head.

He didn't reply, he just kept looking at us with sad eyes. They all took a step towards him, in hopes of hugging him. But the guards around us aimed their weapons and I instantly pulled Octavia back. I know... as if she needed the protection, right? Clarke shook them off and jumped in for a hug anyway.

They soon parted and we were being prepared for Clarke to go help the Shepherd. Only Bellamy called after him, in fact, he spoke as though he believed the insanity that these people believed in. At first, I thought of how Octavia and Echo tried to play off being one of them. To get their trust. Until Bellamy shared the one secret we needed to stay hidden.

"My shepherd." Bellamy started, "There's something you should know. Clarke doesn't have the key. It was destroyed. I'm sorry."

Bellamy betrayed us.


Octavia broke the silence by chuckling. Clarke and I exchanged a look of confusion. She went into a speech on how she finally got where Clarke was coming from. How she had Hope now. 10 years she spent on 'Skyring'. 10 years for her... and for us it was what, 10 minutes? I couldn't help but smile at her talking about Hope. Only to wrap her into my arms when she began to cry at her being messed up like the rest of us.

The moment ended when the one and only Bellamy Blake entered the room. Only this time, he had a clean cut and fresh new robes to show off. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. How could he of all people believe in this. He was basically begging us to believe with him. That the stuff we have experienced was not as crazy.

"Did your leader tell you what happens when we lose?" I scoffed, "It would be a shame if those white robes of yours got a little dirty... or a little red."

"Just tell me where the flame is." Bellamy pleaded, "You were JUST using it for safe passage."

"I was bluffing then!" Clarke cried, "And now I am standing in front of my best friend who I thought was dead... and I don't even recognize him."

"I am trying to save you, all of you!! Just tell me where the flame is." He pleaded once again.

Octavia scoffed, "Or what?"

"Or he watches us die." I interrupted, "Right? All the killings. Especially killing that oh so important guy. Your shepherd wants to kill your friends and family... and you're just going to watch, huh?"

"Just know I am doing this all for you. For all of mankind. Guards!" Bellamy shouted, motioning to Clarke, "Take her to M-Cap."

I went into defense mode immediately and tried to charge at the guards. But Bellamy pushed me back first, and Octavia took a firm hold of me to hold me back. Clarke told me not to fight them, because I shouldn't make it worse than what it already was.

I shook my head, "What has happened to you?"

He just sighed and left the room without saying another word. I let out a yell and smack the door over and over again before falling to the floor and letting the tears out. Octavia rushed to my side and let me cry. M-cap is bad if you resist. What if it kills her? What if that was the last time I saw my sister.

"It's okay." Octavia sighed, "She's tough she'll figure out how to get out of this. We all will."

I sniffed and wiped my tears away, "I know he's your brother, Octavia... but if Clarke dies. So will he."

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