Season 2 Ep 1

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I sat in the drop ship with Raven, attempting to clean up her wound more.

"How'd you get out anyway? Why didn't you just leave and find safety?" Raven questioned, wincing in pain as I place the damp rag to her skin.

"How about you shut the hell up and sit still?" I smirked, touching the rag to her skin again.

She let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes at me. She went to speak again but I her something snap outside. I hid behind the curtain so whoever it was would not see me. As planned, the grounder made his way in slowly... heading for Raven right away. Before her got to her I hit him with the butt of the gun, then shooting him. My breaths were shaky and I took a gulp before throwing the gun to the ground.

"That was your first kill... wasn't it?" Raven sighed. "You didn't have to."

I clenched my jaw and nodded, "I couldn't let him hurt you."

Before she could speak, we heard more footsteps. I ran to the gun again and stood in front of Raven. The shadow came through the curtains, and then Murphy appeared.

"Woah, woah, easy." He pleaded, "Don't shoot."

"You shot her. You pointed a gun to me." I snapped, pulling the trigger only to hear the click of a dead bullet.

I exhaled, throwing the gun to the ground. He sigh and took a seat on the other side of the room.

"Yeah, I would've shot me too."


"What're you doing here, Murphy?" Raven sighed, sitting up.

"Dying... same as you." 

"Speak for yourself." I snapped in return.

Raven began choking and coughing up blood. Murphy stood up, but I blocked him before he could get to her.

"She needs to lay on her side!" he shouted.

I took a deep breath and listened, helping Raven roll over. Suddenly, her choking stopped and her breathing became normal again. I let out a breath of relief and let a smile come across my face.

"Why are you helping?" Raven asked, directing it at Murphy.

"I don't wanna die alone."


"How'd you become such a dick?" Raven snapped, trying to keep her eyes open.

He then started to describe how his father was floated and his mother doesn't even deserve the title of a mother.

"Her last words to me, as she drowned in her own blood, were that I killed my father." Murphy spoke, a single tear falling down his face.

"Wow..." I sighed, feeling sorry for him in the brief moment.

Time had passed, and Raven now slept on my shoulder. I didn't bother to wake her, I could hear her breathing and she needed the rest. Murphy kept making eye contact with me before speaking.

"There's something out there." He stated, raising to his feet.

A soldier then came into the ship. Not just any soldier, it was one from the Ark. just behind him, Counselor Cane appeared with a safe smile on his face.

"We're here now, it's okay." He said, motioning for the rest to come in.

I turned and went to wake up Raven when a voice traveled through the air.

"Aiden!" She spoke.

I stood up slowly and turned to see her standing before me. She was real, and she was alive.

"Mom..." I breathed.


No A/N


Second Born ~ The 100 FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora