

Alexander has said that they were going to watch a horror Moive.

And i though to my self Oh no only god knows what Alexander kid will try to pul- alex stopped me in mid thought.

We better go in now so we can get better seats to watch them.

Everybody eles:
That sounds good.

"Fine.Lets go"

Washington Lead the way to where they were at it still bites me to hold back the question how did he find out and why does he have all of philips and theodoisa's trust.

Oh well ill just ask it when the time is right i guess.
Just as we arrive to where they are i see philip giving my daughter his coat.

How sweet he is i guess.

We take our seats a row behind them.

~Theo's POV~

As i shiver because its cold in here philip says
"Her take my jacket" says philp
I take pips coat while he trys to find a way to put his arm around me.It is so cozy and warm in side his coat so i think what if he gets cold.

So i say "Wanna share your coat philip?"
He shakes his head yes and so i pull one arm out of his coat while he putts his arm through the sleeve.
Well while he's doing that i move a little bit closer untill our shoulders touch.
"Hey pip you don't think that our dads would have come to watch us?"
He gives me a look that says

Then he grabs my hand slowly,i put my head on his shoulder as i try to watch the movie.

~About ten minutes later in Theo POV still~

Oh no don't go in the that house,Shes gonna die and i just know it!!!
I am soooooo scared right now.Just as she opens the door the killer comes behind her with his wepon in his hands i jump and scream a little while he kills her so i look away,Turning my head and closing my eyes philp says
"Don't worry if anything happens ill be there for you" He says
I try and look back at the moving pictures,i jump a little more at the cite of more blood.

"Philip Im afraid"
Philip turns his head to look at me then says
"Your with me no one will get you"
He kisses me with his soft warm small lips.
Then he says
"I think that i was wrong"
As my blush lowers down i asked back in a whisper​
"About how our parents and there friends are a row behind us watching our every move?"
He nods


~The movie is almost done Eliza's POV~

We all watch Philip and Theodois Kiss.
It was adorable.

Eliza i think that our son is doing good.
I nod in agree mention​ while burr says with his back leading and arms crossed.

Philip seems like a pro at this and my daughter is falling for it...

He mumbles some more but i was too into what they were doing while trying to watch the movie.
It reminds me of me and alex when we were there age.


I turn to look at my husband
He kissed me.

I Love you.
I Tried to hide my smile and blush.

~Jeffersons POV~

We all watched Philip and Theodosia kiss.Yah it was adorable and all then the next thing I know Alexander an Eliza are kissing.
I wish Angelica would kiss me or even better I kissed her because she is not dating anyone right now aways.So I say to Angelica
"Hey Angelica"
She turns her head towards me.

Yes Thomas? She said.

"Well I was wondering if-wel-cou-" Damn it I kept studdering it's not like me to be nervous.
Angelica just blushes and Says don't be neverous Thomas.And kisses me softy with a little roughness.
But I don't pull back.

~Lafayette's POV~

Before I know it everybody kissing Philip and Theodosia, Alexander and Eliza,Now Angelica and Thomas which surprised me.
It was all abourable I think that's how you Americans say it.
But I don't mind because I don't like anyone.............................
For now any ways.

~Back to Philips POV~

I hear the adult in the back kissing so I blush....
While Theodosia is try to hide her blush I say

"I love you"

She turns her head to look at me an says

" I love you too"

We kiss again...
Then the movie ended so i take Theo's hand and say

"lets take the long way home...'

she with a little grin says.

And letts just say the didn't go until the next day.

The reason it toke so long was because i wanted it to be good
Also i be me record for word now its over one thousand and two hundred.

well did you all like how I added Eliza's, Thomas's,And Layafette's Point of view?


^ ~

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