Side Story: You're Unique Like That

Start from the beginning

Tien swore he felt a twinge of a warm sensation when he did. Both retracted their hands, with a dust of pink on their faces. " Oh!" Both said in unison, " Sorry, you can have it" she said. Her eyes momentarily went wide when she looked at him and she turned another shade of red, which didn't go unnoticed by him.

" Oh no no, please go ahead, I can ask for another one" he said plolitely. He asked the owner for another packet. When he got one they walked out of the line.
" S-sorry again. I didn't see you move your hand" she apologized again in her sweetly New York accent, " It's completely fine and........are you alright? I noticed your face turned red a minute ago? It's my third eye isn't?"

" Oh no! It's not your-" she paused for a moment as if she was thinking" well yeah it is. I uh.......never seen a person with three eyes before, yeah that's it, and no it's not a bad thing! I-I actually think it's really cool. Sorry I'm mess " she rambled. "It's alright, and I appreciate the complement, most people would think I'm an alien or something  " he rubbed his neck shyly, " Well........I'm not like most people" she smiled at him and he smiled back.

Now that he got to see her face she had big blue eyes. Why does she seem so familiar?

" By the way, my name is Tien, Tien Shinhan. I'm the master of this town's local dojo" he held his hand out for her to shake, " Oh, Really? I'm.......Chan-Lu".

At that moment both their stomachs growled, " Oh boy, there it goes again" he laughed and she did too " would to join me?" He hesitantly asked, unsure of why he asked. " Don't mind if do" she giggled.

They both sat down on some nearby benches and talked for the rest of the afternoon long. At first it was small talk just to get it going until it escalated in full conversations about anything and everything long after their meals were finished. They came to realize that they really enjoyed each other's company.

When that day ended, more like Chan-Lu had to leave because it was late, they said they wanted to meet here again someday. Tien learned that she was from North City ( A/N: don't know if that's real) and she was a traveling mechanic. She was passing by the town to find work.

Tien never really talked anyone like that outside their " group" in a long time. It was different, but it felt........good. He found that he really liked talking to her. To say it bluntly, he's never been one for romance nor does he know what to do with it. Only time he's ever really come close to thinking about it was with...........her.

Even with all her flaws and.........specialties, he was slightly attracted to that. Her tough attitude and courage is what attracted him the most. Unbeknownst to everyone, the day he and Chiaotzu met Goku again and his gang at the tournament; he and she met for the first time when they were momentarily alone. She was blonde then, she recognized him as the ' asshole who screwed with her boys' as she put it. Boy, she let him have it with all her threats and insults, and told him to not mess with them again or she'll use his eyes for target practice, no matter how strong or hot he was. Her last words before she left were " It's too bad you're a real asshat, cause I'm kinda into bad boys like you, hot stuff. Not that I'm a good girl myself" she said seductively while getting right in his face. " Tell you what, come find me when you get clue, kay tough guy? Later". That was first time he had ever blushed because of something like that and the first time felt any attraction to a woman. Her threats didn't phase him in the slightest, but the fact she had the spine talk to him like that is what interested him to her in the first place. Even though he had no care for romance, it couldn't be helped.

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