With that, Magnus walked away, winking at me as he saw me and passed. Alec looked at me briefly before putting his beloved bow back on the rack. He turned to me, "Samara, about Lydia-"

I cut him off, "Look, I understand why you're doing it, and I can't hold that against you, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt," I finished quietly. "Can you just do one thing for me?"

Alec replied without hesitation, "Anything."

"Please make things right with Jace," He went to say no but I didn't let him, "Alec, he just found out his father is Valentine too - he thought he'd been reunited with his dead father only for him to transform into my father and have him tell us that he's all of our fathers and that we're all one big messed up family. Alec, he needs you, and at a time like this, you need him too." He looked unsure so I said, "Please, just think about it," and walked away.

As I wandered back through the Institute, I heard Isabelle giving out orders and my stomach tightened into a knot. They were orders for the wedding. "Bring the flowers out to the wedding tent. Put the lilies up on the dais, and lay the rose petals at the entrance."

A woman I'd never seen before approached her, "Isabelle, which color do you like better? It's for the curtains adorning the wedding tent."

"The cobalt blue. It's elegant, masculine - very Alec."

I couldn't be around all that right now, so I made my way to the infirmary, where my mother lay motionless, still trapped by the awful green presence. I sat down next to her and took her hand. I stayed like that, silent and peaceful for almost half an hour before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Luke sporting a small smile.

"She's gonna be fine. I'm sorry, Samara, we should have told you everything before this got-" I shook my head, stopping his apology.

"We can figure all that out when we wake Mom up. The important thing now is that we have her back."

I heard footsteps on the stairs, " Uh, I'm looking for Lydia?" Alec said rather awkwardly, "Have you seen her? I don't mean to interrupt your..." He trailed off, waving his hand around at us.

"It's okay," I shrugged, "I haven't seen Lydia, sorry."

"I gotta get back to the station, call me if anything changes?" Luke said before departing.

Alec approached me slowly, "So, how is she?"

"The same, I guess," I replied, somewhat bitterly. Not towards Alec but at the fact that we had her back, and couldn't wake her up. He seemed to understand that and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about Isabelle," He finally murmured, referring to the wedding plans.

"I don't want to talk about it," I dismissed quietly. He sighed, giving my shoulder a little squeeze, and left. I rested my head on my arm, finally feeling some kind of solace, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

My serenity was short lived when I was awoken by bright sunlight blazing through the room. I groaned as I rolled my stiff neck, realising I'd slept through the whole night by my mother's side. Making my way back up to my bedroom, I changed into clean clothes and dragged myself back down to the main level.

"Morning," I yawned, finding Jace and Magnus sitting at one of the tables.

"Samara," Magnus acknowledged.

"Hey Sam," Jace gave me a smile, but I could tell it was forced. I only hoped Alec would listen to me and talk to him soon.

Clary wandered down not long after me - and the tension in the air was palpable and suffocating.

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