Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Day 6


I'm running. Running faster than I've ever run in my entire life. Running so fast that that the world spins around me like a movie on fast forward. Running so fast that the forest I'm fleeing through melts down into a kaleidoscope of blurry greens, browns and whites. Running so fast that I stumble over my big skirts, crashing to the ground on more than one occasion. But every time I fall, I scramble back to my feet and run faster than before, refusing to let myself hesitate for even a microsecond.

Because if I hesitate, they'll catch up with me.

And if they catch up with me, they'll kill me.


Behind me, a shrill cry pierces the inky night, near unintelligible over the howling wind. But from the loud cheer that rumbles after it, like thunder following a lightning strike, I know exactly what that cry was. I start to run even faster, sprinting at a pace that a part of me just knows isn't humanly possible. My breath comes out in sharp gasps, tearing through my chest so painfully that it feels like someone's repeatedly stabbing a hot knife into my ribcage. I glance around wildly, narrowly avoiding the tree that suddenly leaps up in front of me. The sight that greets me sends a shiver of fear rocketing down my spine. It's not a tame shiver of fear either; it's the kind that grips me in it's clutches and rips all energy from my limbs, rendering me motionless. I tumble to the ground, listlessly staring forward at all the pinpricks of light rushing towards me. All the fight suddenly leaves me in a torrential wave.

Witch-hunt. This is an actual witch-hunt. And I'm the witch.

I can't escape them.

I'm going to die.

"Katherine!" Two arms suddenly scoop me up off the ground, yanking me up to my feet. I shriek, instinctively punching around wildly and thrashing to get out of their grip. The person loosens their hold and appears in front of me. Their golden eyes shine in the darkness. "Najmay, it's me!"

I stop fighting, their familiar voice enveloping me like a warm blanket.

"Ahmose?" I whisper. Despite the situation, I can't help the smile that spreads over my face. "You came back."

"Of course I came back. I told you I would always protect you." He murmurs, his hands coming up to cup my cheeks tenderly. His hands are like a small furnace compared to my frozen cheeks, and I close my eyes, leaning into his embrace.

At least I got to see him, one last time. At least I know it was not all for naught; at least I know I tried.

Another loud yell rips through the night, echoing around us like a gunshot.


Ahmose's face darkens. "I am going to kill every single one of them."

I attempt at a weak smile. "You are going to murder an entire town? I do not think that will help our case."

Something whizzes past before Ahmose can reply, embedding in the tree in front of us with a thud. We both stare at the spear with wide eyes.

"We need to go." He says simply, grabbing my hand taking off.

And so we run. And run. And run. But no matter how fast we run, the shouts behind us get louder and the lights get closer. Louder and louder. Closer and closer. One hundred Furies chasing us, intent on hunting us down and burning us alive. Burning me alive.

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