Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Day 1.

I tap the end of my pencil against my notepad, bobbing my head in time to the music dancing into my ears. Humming along softly, I continue to sketch, the rough drawing slowly transforming into the coiled gold snake that's been stuck on my mind ever since I first saw my father's exhibit yesterday. When I finish shading in the snake's gemstone eyes I pause, twisting my lips into an obscure shape as I scrutinise my drawing. Even though my sketch is rough, the snake still appears to come alive on the page, its eyes glittering up at me as it prepares to slither off the page at any moment.

I roll my eyes at myself, shaking my head. What am I even saying? It's a drawing of a snake. It's not going to slither off the page, it's not even a good drawing of a snake, let alone alive.

So why can't I shake the feeling that it's watching me?

I let out a long breath and throw the notebook down on the ground next to me. My father glances up from the other side of the room at the loud noise, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry." I mouth, wincing. He shakes his head, returning to his paperwork with a small smile.

Leaning over to grab my bag from next to the door, I pull my laptop out of it and power it up, resting it on my lap. While it slowly wakes up, I unwind my camera from around my neck and click it on too, aiming it at my father and taking a quick picture before he realises what I'm doing.

"Kiara." He warns sternly, giving me a sharp look as he gestures towards the boxes of artifacts scattered around the room.

"I'm not sorry. They're all still wrapped up safely." I shrug slightly. "I just want to get a photo of you setting the exhibit up for my blog."

"Okay." He replies slowly, narrowing his gaze. "But remember our deal."

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes. "I won't upload it until after your precious exhibit has been open for a week. I know the rules, Dad."

"Good. Follow them for once." He deadpans. I poke my tongue out at him.

"I'm an aspiring journalist, Dad. If I want to be noticed, I can't follow the rules. Me and rules are like water and oil. We just don't mix."

"If you keep that attitude up, you and your exclusive access to my exhibits will be like water and oil, aspiring journalist of mine." He retorts, raising an eyebrow at me. I smile sheepishly, drawing my knees up to my chest. "Why don't you go look at the other exhibits? You know, the ones that you're free to take photos of?"

"Are you banishing me?"

"No, I'm kicking you out. There's a difference." My father grins, waving his hand. "Go explore for a while. I'll let you know when I'm finished up here."

With a huff of indignation, I slip my laptop into my bag and stand in the doorway with my hands on my hips, pouting at him. My father rolls his eyes at my melodramatics.

"Don't act offended, I can tell you're bored, Kiara. I know you've been itching to explore the museum since you got here."

"Alright fine, if you insist." I reply haughtily, cracking a grin at the exasperated look he throws my way. I head out the door, waving at him. "Thanks Dad!"

"You're welcome. Oh, and Kiara!" He calls after me, and I pop my head back in the doorway. "If you see my useless excuse for an assistant, can you tell him he needs to get his ass up here before I raise this mummy from the dead and let it loose on him?"

"Oooh, spooky!" I tease, wriggling my fingers around in the air. "Once you've done that, can I borrow the mummy and set it loose on Mum? Maybe then she won't ship me off to law school."

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