Lauren knocks. She doesn't know how it happens, but she knocks. Why has she knocked? Oh, God. Camila is going to answer the door and she's going to ask her question and Camila is going to kick her out– okay, that's unlikely to happen, Lauren tells herself. Because, again, Camila really likes her, right? Yeah, right.

"Lauren?" comes the younger girl's voice. And– and she sounds really surprised, which, yeah, Lauren hasn't told her she's going to show up today, so, yeah.

"Um– hi," greets Lauren nervously, her hands now in the pockets of her jeans.

"What's up? Why– oh, shit, we weren't supposed to go out, were we? God, Lauren I'm so sorry. I–" And– okay, Camila thinks she's forgotten about their date, and, no, she doesn't want Camila to think that.

"No! No, God, no, Camz. You're okay," says Lauren, and hopes she's said the right thing.

Apparently, she has, because the other girl seems a little calmer now. "Okay, good, good. Um, I– yeah. But– but then what are you doing here? Is– oh, God, Lauren, is there something wrong? Has something happened? Are you– are you sick or something? Please tell me you're not sick," says the girl, obviously worried again (if Lauren has analyzed her correctly) and Lauren wants to kiss this expression off of her face right now.

But– but she has to ask an important question first.


Lauren bites her lip, and puts her hands on Camila's forearms because she really, really hopes it'll make her less worried. Because a worried Camila isn't– she doesn't want Camila to worry. "Camz, no, it's–" she stops for a second, "it's nothing bad, I promise. I mean, I– I mean I hope it's nothing bad. Personally, I don't think it's anything bad, but– but I guess you're going to have to be the judge of that, and– um." Lauren is the one rambling now, and, like, the thing is, Lauren doesn't ramble. Really, she doesn't, but she is rambling now, and she's just so nervous, and she can't help it. God, she's a mess. Camila makes her like this, and– and it'd be a lie if she said she hated the girl for it. She could never hate Camila. Ever. She–

"Good! Good, I'm glad. I mean, I think I'm glad. Because I think it's good that you think it's a good thing and not– not a bad thing. Um– also, you're cute when you ramble." Camila adds that last sentence in a much quieter voice, and Lauren can swear she's blushing, but she can't really tell because Camila is looking at the floor and– and– God, she wants to ask that question. Like, no, she doesn't, but she does.

"Um– thanks. I– I have a question." That's a good start, right? She's told her she wants to ask a question, and she does. Kind of. Except right now she really doesn't, but she does, and–

"Oh, um, okay. Shoot," replies Camila, and then she looks up at Lauren. Kind of.

Lauren thinks Camila is still a little worried, and, okay, she can't blame her for that because Lauren has shown up unannounced and she won't come out with why she has, and– and she desperately hopes she will be able to kiss Camila to make that frown disappear from her face. Her beautiful, beautiful face. God, she wants to kiss her.

"I–" Lauren groans. Because– well, "This is hard."

"What's hard? Lauren, honestly, you– you're kind of scaring me right now. Like, yeah, you said it's– you said it's nothing bad but– but you weren't sure and I– did I do something wrong? If so, tell me, because–" Camila is almost pleading now, and Lauren feels bad. Feels bad for making her feel like this. She can tell Camila is really scared, and she– Lauren always wants her to be happy.

"No, I– no. Camila, no. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Believe me. God, I can't– this always seems so much easier in movies than it actually is." Lauren lets out a breathless laugh. She hopes it makes her seem, well, relaxed, when really, she's anything but that. "Um– Camila Cabello, will you–" Lauren stops for a second. Breathes in, and then out. Okay. This is it. Just– just do it. Out with it. It's just a question. A tiny question. "Will you be my girlfriend?" And– she's done it. Has asked her. Now she can really only hope that Camila says–

"Yes! Of course I– Lauren, oh, my God. I thought– God. Yes. Of course I'll be your girlfriend! Yes!" says Camila, and Lauren looks at her, really looks at her and– and she's so pretty like this, Lauren thinks. Her smile is so bright and– and Lauren is happy now, and she's relieved. She's so, so, so relieved, and– and she can't help but pull Camila close and kiss her.

She can finally kiss her. Kiss her girlfriend. And she– she's sure she'll never get over how amazing that sounds. Camila is her girlfriend.

And– and, okay, she admits she was probably over thinking this entire thing because it couldn't have gone better and, really, she should have expected it, but– whatever. It's done. Camila is her girlfriend and she's kissing her, they're kissing, kissing as girlfriends, and–

"I love you," says Lauren when the kiss is over. (It was a good kiss. A really good one. She knows all their kisses are going to be like this. All their kisses as girlfriends are going to be this great. And–)

"I love you, too," comes the reply, and– and then Camila cries, and Lauren cries, too, and they're so– Lauren thinks she couldn't be happier. And then they hug because there's nothing else to do. "My day is perfect now," whispers Camila.

"My life is perfect now."

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