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1000+ word count ;)
We begin to set up the kitchen table with the new place mats, I finished up by putting the vase of flowers I got from Hoseok's in the center of the table. As Oppa was walking down the stairs my mom calls us into the living room, "Boys! Can you come her for a second?"

Me and Haruki give each other a look, wondering what mom may need. We both make our way to the living room and sit on the couch opposite of the love seat in which mom is sitting. We quietly wait for her to start speaking, "So as you may know, your Father is bringing a guest home with him. He had just called to let me know that who he is bringing home is a very close friend of his and your Father tells him a lot..."

Me and Haruki both turn our heads to each other in a confused manner, My Appa tells this supposed person 'a lot'? What does that even mean? My mom continues to talk,

"I see you both look confused so I will explain a bit further, your Father has told his friend about you Kookie. So there is no need to hide your little side! Your Father said he is completely accepting of our family and can't wait to meet us!"

I can't believe it, this person is accepting of me? But why? They haven't even met me yet, or seen me for that matter? All I know is that my Appa told this 'friend' about me and he is alright with it. I guess I should be a little more happy, but for some reason I feel a bit off about this situation. I play it off cool for now though, I don't want her or Oppa worrying about me.

I give her a smile and nod showing to her that I'm glad that I can be myself, Oppa looks to me and also smiles and grabs my hand and pulls me back to the kitchen to finish up the last minute preparations.

Time skip brought you by the foundation for supplying the author with time to be able to write & from readers like you, thank you.

Me and Oppa were playing rock, paper, scissors, when a knock from the door sounded through the house. We all stood up and stood next to the door, as my Mom opened it my Appa greeted her with a hug and kiss. He then hugged Oppa and then turned to me, "Hows my little Kookie!" He pulled me into a short but sweet hug.

"Appa! I missed you!" I giggle and hug him back. He pulls away and smiles, "I brought a friend that I want you all to meet." As if on cue a very handsome man walks through the door. I smile at him and put my hand into Oppa's for comfort because I get nervous when meeting new people. The tall man walks further into the door until I can fully see him, I looked him up and down and he is very tall and slim.

Wearing a suit, bright blue eyes, and very strong facial features. 'He is very handsome...' I thought blushing and held Oppa's hand tighter.

(Pic of what Tae looks like⬇️)

He begins to speak and it felt as though the angels from heaven where calling to me

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He begins to speak and it felt as though the angels from heaven where calling to me...

"Hello," He bows. "Thank you for inviting me into your home Mrs.Jeon, I really appreciate it and I'm happy to finally meet this wonderful family." He looks to Oppa and puts his hand out. I hide further behind Haruki as the man steps closer. "You must be Haruki, the straight A student in college to become a lawyer. I have heard many great things about you!"

The man shakes Haruki's hand and then says "Please feel free to call me Taehyung, I look forward to getting to know you better." He smiles politely at Oppa and then turns to me, I flinch.

"And you..." he pauses for minute as if he is thinking, "Are Kookie?" He continues, I slowly nod my head and wave a little. My mom turns and glares at me. "Now Kookie don't be impolite, please greet Mr.Kim properly..." I looked up a little bit shameful as I step out and shakily put my hand out. As I was expecting a hand shake, I get startled when instead I get a hand fluffing my hair and a quiet laugh.

"Ah, so I was right. You are Kookie at the moment. You are adorable! I'm glad to finally meet you!" I look up at the man with tears in the corners of my eyes. He looks worried until I let go of Oppas hand and give the man... I mean Tae a hug. "Nice to meet you to TaeTae!"  I say as I hear a gasp and then a laugh "you are really like how your father explained, adorable and cuddly!" I blush at his statements and let got to hide behind Oppa again.

Time skip

As we have settled down after dinner and are now having a conversation over drinks, me having apple juice and the rest of them having wine. We laughed and talked and TaeTae kept giving me compliments, it was a special night one I will never forget. I really hope TaeTae comes around more often, I'm starting to think we can be really great friends. That's is until he speaks up "So Kookie I heard you have just gotten over a break up and I wanted to give you my condolences. It must have been awful losing someone you loved so dearly."

I freeze, and stay frozen. Not noticing the tears that have started spilling from my eyes until I speak up, "Sometime losing something is better for you and the lost..." I lower my head as I had exited out of little space when Taehyung brought up the subject. "I have to use the restroom, please excuse me. It was nice meeting you Taehyung." I say and exit.

The last word I heard where, "Nice to meet you to Jungkook."
I appreciate all your votes and comments! ٩(˃̶͈̀˂̶͈́)و sorry for taking forever to update but school has been getting the better of my lately. Please leave suggestions in the comments and until next time have a wonderful day/night!

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