"True." Chelsea skipped ahead, kicking a rock into some bushes in the path. An animal yelp could be heard, and the girl winced. "I'll take you up on your offer for training. For a guy we just met, you are pretty good from what I've seen."

"Excellent." Dayu flipped to land in front of Chelsea. "Let us start, then, and give our slow venture another purpose."

The group moved into a small clearing, where Hisoka perched on a nearby tree limb to observe the fight. Chelsea and Dayu readied themselves.

"This is warm-up. Give me as much Nen or physical power as you wish," Dayu commanded.

Chelsea nodded, already preparing her next three moves. "Got you."

Dayu was suddenly in front of her, throwing a kick at her head. Chelsea moved her arm over to block the kick. A loud smack echoed through the trees before Dayu tried again, twice as fast.

A thump was heard. Chelsea had caught Dayu's leg midkick, using the force to fling him to the ground.

"Pretty good. We've got physical attacks and counters down, I see," Dayu noted. Chelsea gloated in her most recent move as her friend got up from the ground, rubbing the dirt off of his clothes.

"Since that was so easy for you, Chelsea, let us move on to Nen. I will show you some techniques The Devils might use against you." A fog with a thick consistency rolled in, obscuring Dayu from sight.

"How are you supposed to do that?" Chelsea questioned the empty air, swatting experimentally in front of her. Dayu's aura had been cloaked, and physical sensation was the only sliver of hope at this point. Unfortunately her swat returned no signs of human presence.

"My Nen will help us. You've seen some of my prowess. Let's say I can mimic anything to the extent of what I have observed about it and fill in any gaps of its behavior with educated guesses."

"I see. Mimic as well as you can and come at me," Chelsea challenged. Her katana was in hand, ready to strike with its aura-enhanced blade.

"Very well," a raspy voice answered. Genthru. Chelsea watched in amazement as a tall, lanky figure similar to the head bomber emerged from the fog, smiling crookedly. "This shall be Pseudo Fog: Trial One," the transformed Dayu announced in Genthru's voice.

Chelsea spun rapidly, dissipating the fog around them for visibility. The fake Genthru stood in the middle of it all, crooked smirk plastered on his face. Chelsea landed behind him ready to land her killing sweep when the man suddenly turned around, grabbing her small hand in his massive one. 

"Little Flower!"

Chelsea gasped as the Genthru transformation let her go at the last second before a small explosion rocked the field, sending Chelsea flying back into Hisoka's tree. The clown leaped off, bloodlust flaring. 

"That," the transformed Dayu stated, turning back, "was Pseudo Little Flower. Not even half as strong as the real one."

"A death by explosion sure sounds great," Chelsea muttered. Dayu sighed at the girl's sarcasm, strolling over to where she stood.

"I hope you've at least picked something up from my demonstration." Dayu sat on the ground, displaying a bit of his wariness after the transformation. Bombers put quite the strain on him to replicate.

"I did. Hope you aren't too tired now that I'm ready to take anything on." Chelsea smiled at the slight annoyance that creased Dayu's face for a moment. "Anyway, we go to find Gon now."

"Are you serious?" Dayu whined, but Hisoka and Chelsea were already ahead of him. "Hey, wait!" He rushed to catch up to them. "I wasn't tired at all!"

Chelsea barely cast a glance back as she took to the trees in the forest now ahead of them. They were finally going to find Gon.


*Throws candy*

I hope you all are having a lovely holiday break. I'm just dead. From homework. For the past three months. Hence the slow updates.

*cries a river*

Anyway, thank you all for continuing to read/support this bookeu! We're almost at 72K reads and 4K votes. Wooooo!

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Have some cookies guys!

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