Symphony of Life

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I long to hear the music.
The music of life.
Something that will give me a spark.
A will to fight.
The music that will pull me from the grave.

I need the music.
The gentle harp strings.
That when pulled.
Grants beauty and grace.

I need that violin.
That when played.
Will erase away the pain.
Brighten up any day.

I need the musical flute.
With it's sound so sweet.
Any burn it can smooth.

I need those drums.
That cause my heart to race.
They thump you back the life.
The soul that long ago died.

I need the conductor.
The one who starts the music.
The music of life.
He knows what will ale my strife.

I even need the tambourine.
As stupid as that may seem.
It will remind me of what joy used to be.

I need the maracas.
To shake my soul awake.
To spice up my life.
So never again will I completely die.

I need the bells!
Those beautiful bells!
The ones that will show me beauty.

I need the music of life.
It can save me.
I need that symphony.
The one that will shake me to my core.

I don't have a symphony.
I have a broken kazoo.
That only plays one tune.
That being the blues.

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