12| I'd Take The Posion Apple

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"Evie," Carlos said through a mouthful of spaghetti, "Why is the dwarf guy staring at you?"

I followed Carlos' gaze across the cafeteria to see that Doug was in fact, staring at me. I sent him a flirtatious smile causing him to blush madly and wave.

I turned back to my friends as I sifted through the tray of food in front of me, "I think he's stalking me."

Mal snorted, glancing up from her spell book, "Says the girl who's been staring at the blonde with the annoyingly bright smile for the last ten minutes."

I glared at the purple-haired fairy, casting a glance over to the dreamy Chad Charming, "His smile isn't annoying." I leaned on my hand, watching as the handsome Prince ate his sandwich, "It's dreamy."

Eli snapped her hands in front of my face, causing me to look away from my Prince Charming and over to her.

"Call it whatever you want, can I have my lunch back now?" She pointed down to her tray that I had been inspecting (I was always worried that someone would pull a spell from my mom's book and try and poison my food).

I nodded at her, pushing the tray over to her, "It's clean."

Jay gulped down his chocolate milk, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve (gross!), before looking over at Mal and Eli, "So?" The tall boy asked the girls, looking at them expectingly, "Any news on the plan to get the you-know-what?"

I nodded, leaning forward. We'd been here for two full days and we still haven't gotten our hands on the magic wand.

Mal nodded, closing her spell book and telling us the plan, "We convinced Jane to let us go over when her mom was using the wand."

"Who's Jane?" Jay asked, confused.

I opened my mouth, but Carlos beat me to it, "The Fairy Godmother's daughter."

Jay raised an eyebrow, "The one whose sacred of us and avoids us at all cost?"

Eli snickered, "Basically everyone in this Smile-Fest."

Mal sighed, shaking her head as she looked at something over my shoulder, "Not everyone."

At the sound of someone clearing their throat I glanced over to see two people behind me. Gwen, Eli's roommate and Audrey. Great.

"Audrey." Mal greeted her enemy, shooting her the infamous Mal glare.

The brunette only nodded at her, casting her eyes over to Eli, "So, Eli. Ben tells me you're considering trying out for the cheer team?"

Eli was trying out for the cheer team? Why didn't she tell me?

My best friend only shook her head, taking a long sip of her milk, "I don't think so. It's not really my thing."

Audrey smiled falsely, "Oh. Well, you probably couldn't do it anyways." No she didn't.

Eli looked up at her, a scowl across her lips, "What?"

Gwen shook her head, muttering a, "Let's go." To Audrey.

The bad-shoe wearing girl only chuckled, ignoring Gwen and throwing her hair back, "Well, it's just the cheer team takes a lot of work and...prep. I'm the captain of the team so I would know."

I could practically feel the anger radiating off of Eli. I swapped a concerned look with Carlos, this was not going to end well.

"Audrey, leave them alone." Gwen hissed, trying to pull the other girl away, though Audrey didn't budge.

"No offense." Audrey smirked, I glanced down to see Eli's hands gripping the table, "You just don't have what it takes." That's when Eli had reached her limit.

"Let's see about that." Eli growled, scowling at Audrey (who didn't seem so confident now), "A matter of fact I think I will try out for the team."

I had to bite my cheek to keep my mouth from falling open in shock.

"Well then," Audrey said warily, smoothing out her dress, "See you on the field this afternoon."

Eli spoke through her scowl, "Ditto."

Audrey huffed before walking back towards her table, heels stomping against the floor as she did so.

Gwen glared at her friend's retreating form. She then sent Eli a small smile, before making her way out of the cafeteria.

"Oh my mirror!" I broke the silence as we all looked over at Eli, shocked at what had just happened.

Carlos nodded, "Nice girl!" He encouraged the green-haired girl, a grin on his face.

Jay reached across the table, squeezing her shoulder while Mal still looked astonished.

Eli smirked at all of us as she sat back down, before a sudden look of fear passed over her, "Wait. Did I just say I was gonna be a cheerleader?"

Mal chuckled, nodding at our friend, "Yeah, yeah you did."

We all laughed, as Eli groaned, laying her head down on the table in disbelief.

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