08| They Call Him Cassanova

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"Hey." Evie greeted as she appeared next to me, her steps matching mine as we walked through the halls of Auradon Prep.

I nodded at her, scowling at all the kids who stared us down like we were from a different planet.

The blue-haired girl nodded, glancing down at me, "Hey, how was your art class?"

I froze in my tracks, thinking about the dreaded class that had happened just an hour ago.

Mal had steadily walked into the art class, the familiar and welcoming smell of paint filling her nostrils.

She stood up straighter as she made her way to the back of the classroom, sketchbook in hand. She sat down in her chair as far as she could, opening up her book to a fresh page.

The only thing on her mind was the magic wand, and even if she was in class she continued plotting up ways to get it.

Mal began sketching the wand from memory, she figured that at first she needed to know exactly what the wand looked like. Every curve and line she drew, and she still didn't have a plan.

As she finished the basic outline of the wand, she sat back in her chair. A sigh escaped her parted lips, nothing so far.

"Wow. That's really good." Mal whipped her head to her left at the sound of an unfamiliar boy.

In the seat next to her sat a lanky boy, with messy golden hair, green eyes hidden behind large wired glasses, and a splash of orange paint splattered across his cheek.

Mal slammed her sketchbook closed, even though she knew the boy had already seen it. She glared warily at the boy, wondering if she had any mind-erasing spells.

The boy must have noticed the girl's wary look as he widened his eyes and shot her a small smile, "I hope you don't mind me sitting here, it was the only open seat."

Mal glanced up to see in fact that all the other seats were full of students, the teacher walking around and inspecting their work. Mal must have been so focused on plotting she didn't notice class had started.

Mal's green eyes traveled back over to the boy next to her, then down to the canvas in front of him.

The girl glanced up at the boy once more to see him biting his lip, highly concentrated on the painting in front of him.

The painting was good, Mal thought to herself, eyes scanning it over. It was a purple sky, almost like dusk. A black tower sat out in the distance glowing stars blinking all over the canvas.

"We're supposed to make something that represents our parents." Mal glanced up at the boy who was already looking at her, he must of noticed her staring, "I did mine after my mom, Rapunzel. You know, with the floating lanterns?"

Mal blinked, she had heard the story from one of her old teachers back at Dragon Hall, Mother Gothel, the woman who locked Rapunzel in a tower for eighteen years.

The purple-haired girl then turned back to her sketchbook, opening it to a fresh page and picking up a green pencil. It was silent for a few minutes as Mal began creating her mother's horns on the page.

"Reese." Mal's green eyes cast up to meet the boy's, who had a sheepish grin on his face at the pretty girl sitting next to him, "Reese Fitzherbert, that's uh-that's my name."

Maleficent's daughter nodded slowly, "Mal." She stated simply, before going back down to her work.

Evie huffed lightly as we neared our shared class, "How come everyone is meeting Princes except me?"

I rolled my eyes at the girl before pushing past the large doors to our next class.

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