03| Here Comes Evil

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Eli stood, her arms crossed as she and the others stood in Maleficent's apartment, the Mistress of Evil staring down at that five.

"You go to Auardon, meet the Fairy Godmother, and bring her wand to me. Easy peasy." Maleficent told the plan as she filled her nails.

"What's in it for us?" Her daughter asked.

"Matching thrones, her's and her's crowns." Maleficent listed, naming stuff for herself and Mal.

"I think she meant all of us." Carlos suggested and Eli hummed in agreement, if she had to this she at least wanted something out of it.

"It's all about you and me, baby." The horned women told her daughter. "Do you enjoy watching people suffer?"

Mal scoffed, "Yeah, who doesn't?"

"Well, then get me the wand!" Maleficent shouted, "And you and I can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"

"Our will." Eli's mother, The Wicked Witch reminded Maleficent, the other villains nodded.

"Our will, our will." Maleficent corrected herself, she then snapped, catching Mal's attention, "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy."

"What? Mom-" Mal was cut off by a snap and it only took a second to realize what was going on, they were having a stare off.

Mal grunted in defeat, "Fine. Whatever."

"I win." Maleficent announced, just as the Evil Queen called for her daughter. Evie then skipped over, sitting down next to her mom.

"My little evil-ette in training, you just find yourself a prince with a big castle, and a mother in law wing." The Evil Queen instructed het daughter.

"And lots and lots of mirrors." The duo said causing Evie to giggle.

"No laughing," Her mother snapped, "Wrinkles." Evie immediately stopped.

"Eli," The girl glanced over at where her mom sat at the table, "You pull this off and we can watch as Auradon burns!" The mother and daughter duo both burst into evil laughter, not caring about wrinkles.

"Carlos can't go!" Cruella exclaimed looking at her son, "I'd miss him too much!"

The black and white haired boy looked up at his mother, surprised, "Really, mom?"

Cruella nodded, "Yes. Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet?" She then pushed her leg into Carlos' arm, who dropped it back to the floor.

"Yeah, maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing."

"Oh, Carlos," His mom pet his cheek, "They have dogs in Auradon."

The De Vil boy's eyes grew wide at the mention of dogs and he shook his head, "Oh, no! I'm not going!"

Maleficent let out a annoyed sigh just as Jafar began talking, "Well, Jay isn't going either. I need him to stock the shelves in my store. What did you score?"

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