Chapter 19: Living Our Best Life

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As we get off of the plane, not to my surprise, there are a group of policemen waiting.

"Mr.Bieber, we have a warrant to check your plane." One of the policemen approach us and Justin immediately starts laughing.

"Why would I let you check my plane?" He readjusts his sunglasses and licks his lips.

The high I feel right now is making me hungry and I sure as hell do not wish to sit here in the presence of snarky New Jersey pain-in-the-ass policemen.

"We detected an odor similar to that of marijuana once the doors on your plane were opened." The policeman continues as he lifts his hand to show us the warrant.

"Man, do whatever you want. I have a show to perform at." Justin lies as he grabs my hand and begins walking away from the policemen. The believe tour ended a month ago, the only thing he has to do today is walk around New York with me both high and drunk.

"We are going to need you to stay here until the aircraft is checked and cleared." The policeman speaks yet again.

"I'm hungry." I groan as I look at Justin through our sunglasses.

"We don't want to cause much trouble, if not we would have you remove your sunglasses. Surely, if you were under the influence, your eyes would be glossy red. Or is that not how it works?" The man steps closer to Justin and smiles.

Justin looks towards the rest of the cops, who are now minding their own business and he slowly takes out his wallets and pulls out a small stack of hundred dollar bills.

"I am sure you mean no trouble at all." Justin discreetly hands the money to the policeman as he stares at him.

"Not at all, Mr. Bieber." The man takes the money and stuffs it into his pocket before turning around and addressing the other men. "I'll check it out. You all, stay here guarding them." The policeman says to other other as he walks up and into Justin's private jet.

Minutes later the policeman approaches from the aircraft and walks up to us.

"All clear." He says. "Thank you for your cooperation Mr.Bieber, you are free to go." He says and smiles at us.

"Finally, I was about to die of hunger." I say as we make our way into the car.

"What was that about?" Scooter asks from the drivers seat as he begins driving away.

"They wanted to check if we had weed on board." Justin scoffs.

"And did you?" Scooter quickly looks through the mirror into Justin's eyes, which are no longer covered by the sunglasses.

"Of course we did." I say as Justin and I begin laughing.

"So you paid him off?" Scooter continues.

"Do you know me to be one who does not know how to deal with his problems?" Justin raises his eyebrows and smirks as Scooter shakes his head.


"I cannot believe we flew all the way to New York for cheesecake." I say as we sit in the small restaurant waiting for our waiter.

"It's your favorite." He shrugs at me from across the table. "Plus, I figured we needed a change of scenery. We can only get high in Miami so many times before it becomes boring." He laughs.

"What better place than the city that never sleeps." I grab his hand and smile, the buzz wearing off slowly but surely.

"Your home." Justin says.

"Far from it." I feel sadness beginning to wash over me, I am not sure how many more times I need to get high before this feeling completely goes away for ever.

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