Chapter 18: A High And Him

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*9 Months Later*

-January 2014-

I turn the knob of the door before removing the key and placing it in my purse. I adjust the ring that is sitting on my ring finger, taking a moment to admire it. It is truly beautiful. Walking into the quiet house, I look around in search for Justin.

"Babe?" I call out but get no response.

Walking through the kitchen and onto the rugged living room, I see the tv flickering images.

"Babe?" I call out yet again and panic begins to overcome me as I jump to the worst scenarios. I slowly walk towards the staircase and make my way up to the second floor slowly and steadily.

Walking past the bathroom, I peek my head in to see if there is anybody there.

My palms begin to sweat as the the house is sitting in an odd and uncomfortable silence.

I passed various empty rooms before reaching our bedroom.

Slowly pushing the door open, I see Justin's figure on the bed, cradling our baby girl in his hands.

Both of their eyes are closed and I watch impatiently to see if their bodies heave up and down as a result of their breathing.

The ground beneath my feet begins to shake and soon enough the house begins to collapse around me.


My eyes, along with my body, jolt open and I find myself in a sitting position on the bed trying to catch my breathe.

I hear the sound of vibration ringing through the room and I pat the space next to me for my phone. Once I grab it, I notice Justin's empty side of the bed.

Looking at the collar ID, I see that Scooter is calling, confusion flowing all throughout my body, I pick up the call and bring the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I say groggily into the phone, rubbing my eyes with my empty hand.

"Justin is in jail." Is all Scooter says, no buffer of any sort.

I stay unmoved, not clearly processing what he just said.

"What?' I repeat, I am sure I heard incorrectly.

"Justin, the idiot, is in jail." He says slower. I take the phone away from my ear and look at the time on the top of my screen.

"Do you care to elaborate as to why Justin is in jail at 4am in the morning?" I say as I just realize that my head is pounding. I still feel buzzed from last night and I cannot possibly fathom as to why I am up at 4 o'clock in the morning.

"I know you two have your nightly 'drink until we cannot drink anymore' thing going on, but if you are going to do that then at least make sure he doesn't leave the house, let alone drive around Miami while under the influence." Scooter spits angrily.

"Whatever Scooter, just get to the damn point and tell me where he is." I grow upset.

After giving me the name of where they are holding Justin, Scooter hangs up and tells me he will meet me there.

Not even a minute later, my phone begins to vibrate again.

"Scooter, what the hell do you want?" I groan.

"Don't be an idiot like him and try to drive there. I don't need to save both of your asses." He says and hangs up again.

"My ass doesn't need saving." I say out loud even though the call has ended already. "And neither does his."

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