chapter 4

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My heart throbbed hard against my chest, I was so excited at the same time so nervous. The light wind whirled my black veil as I stood outside the tall magnificent building.

"you can do this". I chanted.

I tried my hardest to push back the overwhelming emotions I felt as I stepped further into the exquisite reception admiring the grand decor. Above the black marbled front desk hanged the company's name 'ELAN Z' in bold, bright letters. The rest of the room was very open and spacious with a few live plants here and there which created a relaxing vibe.

It seemed so surreal when Aisha had spoken all about this, but it felt even more dreamlike now that I was here, everything was vague. At this time I would've been at work, hurdle up behind my desk writing a report or analyzing a potential investment.

I walked down the sizable hallway that was shown to me by the receptionist, Daniela I think was her name. The walls were handsomely adorned with the colors of gray and brown with an impressed design of leaves and flowers leaving a professional but yet vibrant look. I take a deep breath as I let my hand slowly strike the double doors.

I grew edgy and anxious at the time I stepped into the office. I had found my interviewer a man probably in his late twenties a bit too overawing. He had a scowl etched to his face throughout the interview as if my presence irked him and as I took in his features, I became aware of the fact that I've priorly encountered those ceaseless curves that formed across his forehead, we've meet before. He was the same man that tried to knock me down with his car a few weeks ago.

"It says here you studied Accounting" he stated, scanning through my credentials. His deep voice resonated gently and smoothly and I wondered if he'd recognized me.

"Yes I did, I currently work for Jamo Investments" I replied.

"So you substantially have no industry experience whatsoever, no professional record" he stated bitterly as he studied me, his dark eyes glinting as they meet mine making my heart race and fill with panic and an inexplicable sensation that suddenly spreads throughout my chest and I tense.

He continued to flip through my credentials once again, stopping to evaluate the content of each sheet of paper before moving to the next one. I readjusted myself in my sit noticing how soft the cushions were of the sofa-like Chair I sat on. The office was quite bright, the large windows allowed in a sufficient amount of sunlight and neat, showcasing the masculinity and opulence.

"Your sketching skills... are fairly good and your designs are eccentric and conspicuous very different from what we do here..."he his deep voice filled the silent room again— "but it might...,be what we need. Based on the little you have presented to me and the endless glorification and adoration my sister has expressed about you and your designs, I'm going to offer you the appointment.'

"But on a probationary period" my eyebrows crease at his words. "Allow me to explain further. You will be place on a new project alongside our design team and how well you do, will determine whether you've merited a permanent position in the company" he conveys and I nod in affirmation.

"I'm giving you the grace of this week to handle any renunciation processes you may be obliged to undergo in my brother in-law's firm and report early next Monday morning" he handed me back my documents across his wooden table.

"Thank you...sir" I got up and left. I exhaled a breath of air as I stepped out of the office.

I wade through the busy streets shielding my face with the end of my veil from the light of the yellow sun while attempting to find my way home. Today's sun was scorching hot and I knew by the time I get home I'll be needing a few doses of Panadol. I stopped by the side of the road trying my best to stop a taxi but each one that passed by was already full. The city bustled lively, cars dashed in uneven chords. I watched as everyone went about his business, we all were at the same place but we all had different destinations.

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