Chapter 7: Compensation Part II

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Chapter 7: Compensation PART II




The corridors of the hospital were slightly crowded, and its grey walls made the cries of the pained patients echo throughout the entire building. Untold stories of people were among these cries, and countless tears are waiting to be shed in the process.

This building housed hundreds of people battling for their life versus the many illnesses that ate ways their chance of survival. Some failed to fight, and most are still trying to win their life over.

Among these people is the blonde-haired man who lay in the portable bed, and his dark, velvet blood tainted the clean white sheets where he laid. His breathing was starting to slow down, eyes closed, and his lips were pale. His tired body waited to be tended to, but his heart remained closed.

The wheels under the bed kept on rolling, as a team of nurses tried their best to transport him into the operating room as soon as possible. One of the people who helped, though, was not a nurse, but his good friend who shared his blood with him.

"Ruki!" It was Reita who was also tainted in his blood. "Hang in there! We're almost at the operating room. Just a little more. You'll be fine, I promise!" His eyes started tearing up, and his guilt ate away the remaining hope he had in store.

Ruki's ear was still ringing from the impact of the bullet, but for some reason, Reita's voice still managed to get through even with his condition. He felt at ease, even for just a second. Although, he strength was slowly fading away.

He had been tired for all these years— from the hatred he had of his father, to the long-term feeling of anxiety. He was tired.

"Rei...ta..." His voice was low and faint. While still in constant motion, he tried to get in touch with Reita's hand.

The latter noticed this and held his hand for comfort.

"Reita... please..." He paused. "Take care of yourself...." With those last words, the room in front of them signaled a moment of farewell for a while.

Operating Room

"Sir, please step aside." A nurse faced Reita as she blocked him from entering. "We will do everything we can. So, please wait patiently until we call you."

Her words echoed throughout Reita's mind which was still a mess. The nurse had already went inside the operating room, and with a shaking hand, he leaned on the wall, as he sat down on a near set of chairs.

Everything was a mess.

"Reita, take care of yourself."

Those words just kept on repeating in his head— over, and over, and over again.

"Why the hell would you say that?!" he thought to himself. "I should be the one saying that to you!" He was in rage, but not towards Ruki— it was towards himself and his inability to handle the situation better. "Why... WHY?!"





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