Carson City

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The road to Carson City was and so many other things Scarlett tried to ignore. Yet she had still made it there, somehow she was still alive and only taken a few break while on her way there. Getting off her horse she tipped her hat down to hide her face before taking a jacket out of her bag and putting it on. It wasn't cold but she didn't really want to be noticed at first. Though she was dressed to be noticed. Walking around the town, Scarlett got to the general store and walked inside. She could hear the shop keeper talking to a woman who was ordering some kind of fabric and two men in the back ground talking about a new train coming into town.

"We'll be lucky if Ray and his gang don't get to the train before it can deliver the goods that this place needs." One man comments.

"That would take a miracle, you know how those fools are, one day they are going to end up on the wrong side of a gun and then in the ground."  The second chuckled as he looked down at the floor.

"One can always hope and pray I suppose." The first said with a sigh.

Ray's gang...maybe this James was part of the gang and he wouldn't be that hard to find after all? Could her luck really be that good? Looking at something in the store a loud scream was heard from the main road of the town. Everyone rushed outside to see the scene unfold before them. There in the center of the road was a man holding a barely dressed woman with a gun to her head.

"This whore owes me five dollars!" the drunken man calls out to the crowd.

Rolling her eyes Scarlett knew this wasn't anything worth time. Five dollars for services she didn't even want to think about but still that was no reason to have a gun held to the woman's head. Scarlett didn't have a gun but she wondered if maybe she could outsmart the man? Then again that would also bring attention to herself which she wasn't sure he wanted yet.

"Let her go...I'll give you the money." A male voice calls out from the crowd.

The crowd parted like the red sea. There in the middle stood a man with a long black trench coat on, no hat and a very familiar shade of blonde hair. Scarlett narrowed her eyes as she watched to see what would happen next. The drunk laughed as he looked the mans way.

"Who are you? Her husband? Makin the wife earn money huh?" the drunk laugh as he held the gun closer.

As the man was distracted, Scarlett moved to the crowd behind the drunk. Trying to get a good look at the man wondering if it was who she thought it was. The man finally looked up from the ground and she was right about who she thought it was, Jasper, why he was here she didn't know but now she was determined to find out. Hearing the drunk hiccup she saw it as her chance. Rushing forward she grabbed the drunks gun from his hand and aimed it at his own head.

"Let the girl go unless you want your brains spattered all over the road." Scarlett warned the man.

Nodding the man pushed the woman right into Jaspers arms. Jasper handed her to another barely dressed woman who took her into the brothel. The drunk held his hands up in the air unsure what to do now since Scarlett didn't give any other instructions.

"What now? I let her go, you still gonna shoot me?" the drunk laughed and then feel forward passed out on the dirt floor.

Blinking Scarlett looked down at the man and then around as the crowd dispersed. That wasn't exactly how she thought things would play out but this was the less bloody version. Turning her head back to Jasper who was walking her way she looked down at the gun in her hand.

"I don't think he needs it, why don't you hold onto it for him?" Jasper questions as he looks up at her.

"Jasper? What in the hell are you doing here?" Scarlett questioned a little mad that he followed her?

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