I Have Nothing To Say

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The lunch line is almost non existent but we still have to wait a bit before I get my lunch.

Eli is waiting next to me-instead of standing in line-and stares ahead. I switch my weight from side to side while crossing my arms over my chest.

Do I talk to him? Do I ask about what his intentions are? Is this the right time to make a Superman reference?

It was like he was here but not really, like Invisible Woman.

I'm not sure if it's because of talking to Olivia this morning  but Eli is quiet. So I'll take a whirl and take advantage of this because, well, once Eli starts talking, he stops listening.

"Ahem, so it's nice to be back to the same table we've been dictating since freshman year."


"Have you ever noticed the way Sebastian's armpits smelled."


"My spidey senses are tingling, they must be serving beans too."


So maybe these aren't greatest conversation starters but I sure hoped one was going to be winner winner chicken dinner.

The only way I could get a response was if I started something. Something that was going to start another war... oh sweet baby Jesus, look out for me.

"When am I going to get that apology?"

He arches his eyebrows and gives me a side glance before snorting, "What apology?"

Hayoooo! We got a live one!

I pretend I'm thinking, but eventually stop with the act and give him a serious look.

"You can choose whatever you want to apologize for..."

Actually, lets not let him decide what to apologize for.

"Nevermind, let me rephrase my question, when am I going to get those apologies about how you crashed my date?"

Amused by my reaction, he raises his eyebrows and continues the walk towards the food next to me.

"You're really that desperate?"

Easily, I grab a tofu dog and head over to a number of sides. I grab a small side salad, Eli grabs a bag of kettle cooked chips while slowly making our way to the cashier.

"You're really that much of a cockalorum?"

He scoffs at my reply and grabs me a water before placing it in my tray and leaving my side.

I type in my school account number and thank the lunch lady before catching up with Eli. Trying my best not to drop my food, I quick step to Eli's side.


"You know Kimberly, I'll give you those apologies."

Rejoice! Rejoice! Hurrah for peace!

He stops us both in our tracks and stares into my eyes, "Under one condition." His smirk appears from the grave he hid under his blank expression and I narrow my eyes.

Oh no baby, what is you doing?

This can't be any good.

"If you can prove to me you didn't get knocked up last night, those apologies are all yours."

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