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"Sexting a certain Finkle?"

Olivia's voice caught me off guard and I made it obvious once I jumped and slammed my head on my locker's opened door.

The pain was noticed by my happy-go-lucky nerves and I slipped out a short yelp, causing the students walking pass to give me an even weirder look than they usually give.

"What the french, Livy?" I groaned rubbing my head before looking at my phone, finishing the text I had prepared for Aaron and hitting send after re-reading it over and over again.

Yes, Aaron finally hit up my phone with a cute 'Hey :*' text yesterday.

I screamed to the heavens above with all my joy that Eli wasn't right this time. Then I sort of rubbed it in his face that he was wrong.

Sure, Eli had argued back that Aaron should have the decency to give a call instead of a text. That didn't matter to me because Aaron actually texted me!

Olivia looked at me with a joker smile and as soon as I realized what she was doing, the phone was yanked out of my hands.

"Olivia!" I squealed trying to jump up to her 5'8 height, causing more annoyed glances over my way.

Olivia held up my phone to the ceiling while she tilted her head towards the phone so she could read whatever was on it.

" 'Just passed by the mistletoe and thought of you' " Olivia read Aaron's text as loud as she possibly could to embarrass me like she always enjoyed doing.

I have that text down to a memory because of how many times I read it. I remember getting the text this afternoon, and couldn't rub my giddy smile off.

"Awe," Olivia cooed before scrolling down to read more.

I tried my hardest to jump an Incredible Hulk jump and get my cheap prepaid phone back before Olivia could read what I wrote, but unfortunately that was too late.

" 'Golly, that's sweet of you-,' " Olivia stops and lowers the phone to my reach and I took the chance to steal it back.

We both narrow our eyes at each other.

"Are you kidding me, Kim? Any more sexting like that and your going to need a condom." Her sarcasm smacks me in the face and I frown at floor.

"I didn't ask you to read my text." I mumble as I slip the palm sized phone in my back pocket.

I checked the hanging clock on the ceiling in the hallway, we only had two more minutes before sixth period started.

"Thank goodness I did; What the hell was that?"

Gathering my gym clothes, I slam my locker shut then start my way towards the school's worst class ever to exist in the history of classes; P.E.

Olivia begins following me as if her being late to English authors wasn't a problem.

"Aaron didn't mind the text."

We both dodge a couple of sophomores frantically trying to make it to their classes on time then steady out pace to my class.

"Is that how you honestly flirt?" Olivia paused for a humor free laugh, "I seriously hope you're sending naked pictures of your tits to him because you need the help."

My insecurity got the best of me as I pull up the scooped neck line on my chunky maroon sweater before making eye contact with Olivia again.

"What's wrong with the text?"

"Seriously, Kimberly? It sounds like he was texting his cousin."

I tried biting my lip to hold the embarrassment. Was it really that bad? I mean, Aaron didn't say anything about it. I hope he didn't mind my flirting.

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