Chapter 23

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Jeonghan's P.O.V

We walked into the house to see Alex reading a book on the couch. She looked up as we entered and the briefest flash of fear crossed her gaze before she realized it was us and she smiled warmly. "Hey kids! What are all of you guys doing here?" She asked as we all filed in.

We were all taking our shoes off while I answered her. "We wanted to hang out. Watch some movies. You know, the usual," I said in a slightly bored tone. She nodded and slowly got up. Standing in front of us I realized how short she actually was. Even for an Asian woman she was pretty short. Mary and Kalee were at least 5'5-5'6, but they were half white. Aunt Alex was at least 4'11. It was pretty funny actually. They all looked at me in surprise when an odd giggle surpassed my lips.

"You good dude?" Hansol asked cautiously. I nodded, but they still looked suspicious. Mary came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist and bit me. I jumped in surprise and smacked at her.

"Aish! You're so weird, get off of me!" I said as she tried to clutch back onto me. Alex laughed and got up making all of the others quiet down. Including Mary. She brushed off her pants and straightened her shoulders. We waited expectantly, but she just pushed past the twins without a word.

"What's wrong with her?" Hansol asked. Mary shrugged and made for the couch. The others followed and instead of doing the logical thing and spreading out to the other couch, we all piled onto the love seat. Jisoo sat on the arm rest next to me while Hansol squished beside me. Cho sat on the arm rest while Kalee laid across us all and laid her head on Cho's lap.

It was practically perfect. Until my uncle walked in.

I could smell the alcohol coming off of him in waves. I was instantly afraid. Let's be honest though. I could probably lay him out with only one punch, but how many people would he hurt before I could stop him? I elbowed Kalee and she hurried to the floor followed by Mary and Cho. Then my uncle staggered into the living room. I held my breath. He stopped when he finally noticed us.

"What are you doing here?"

Jisoo's P.O.V

I could feel Jeonghan trembling against me. I couldn't tell if he was scared or if it was just his adrenaline kicking in. Whatever it was I didn't care. His uncle leaned close to me and our noses were almost touching, but I refused to look away. I could tell he was trying to figure out who I was and it felt like several minutes, but I knew it was only about 10 seconds. Then he backed away and glared at Jeonghan. I felt him stiffen next to me, but I didn't know what to do for him. So I leaned closer into him. Not noticeable to his uncle.

He looked over at Hansol with a balanced look of disgust and curiosity. Then he turned to the girls. His eyes traveled hungrily over Cho's body and he tossed his daughter dismissive looks. He turned and I felt Jeonghan begin to relax, and then he turned and chunked one of the glass bowls at Mary.

Jeonghan was on his feet the instant the girls began to scream. I followed, but was knocked back onto the couch when Jeonghan was pushed. "What did I do to be cursed with such a whore for a daughter?!" He yelled directly at Mary. She curled in on herself and threw her arms over her bubblegum colored head. She was crying, but the onslaught kept coming. Hansol rose angrily, but Kalee pushed him down and moved to her twin.

"Get the Hell out of my sight you skank!" Kalee grabbed Mary under the arms and heaved her to Jeonghan's room. Then he turned to Hansol. A look of fear flashed across his face. I jumped in between them and held up my hands in a submissive gesture. Where was Alex? Jeonghan had risen too. I put a hand on his chest to hold him back and made my voice as steady as my heartbeat was accelerating.

"Sir...please calm down," I said in a carefully even voice. He stared hard at me. As if trying to figure out who I was. If he could attack me or not. I very lightly kicked Hansol and shot my eyes over to Jeonghan's room. I wanted them out of harms way. Jeonghan included. The girls were safe, but were the boys. I edged closer to him.

"Let's go outside. To let you catch some air. You'll feel better," I gently grabbed him and turned him towards the front door. "Shall we?" I asked him. He took a few stumbling steps forward then pushed me off.

"I can walk on my own thank you...uhm...Josh," he said before stumbling to the door. He very obviously could not walk effectively on his own. However, I would not be the one to tell him that. So we walked. Slowly. Very slowly. He ran into walls, tables, and the piano sitting in the dining room. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

We finally made it onto the front porch and to my astonishment Alex's car was gone. That explained why she hadn't come when he started to yell. "If I may. I would like to go back inside. You can enjoy yourself out here, and clear your head without me distracting you," I proposed. He shrugged so I turned and went back into the house. I locked the door, as carefully as I could, hoping he wouldn't hear.

I hurried to Jeonghan's room and knocked after trying the knob. It had been locked, unsurprisingly. A shaken looking Hansol opened the door a crack. I could hear sobbing from inside. "He's locked out." I told him. He opened the door wider to reveal the others. Mary was crying into Jeonghan's chest while Kalee and Cho comforted her. However, from the looks of them I could tell Kalee and Cho had been crying too. Hansol looked very overwhelmed, but the most disturbing was the total lack of emotion on Jeonghan's face.

He held his cousin tightly, and his arms trembled, but his face was stoney. Almost...zombie like.

The Preacher's Son  [A Jihan Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora