Chapter 5

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Jeonghan's P.O.V

          I laid on my bed and stared up at the ceiling fan in what was once Uncle Marcus's office. Jisoo would be here soon, and I wasn't sure if I was ready. I was wearing a gray sweatshirt that said navy in navy blue and a pair of jeans with my hair down.

          My door flew open and Mary and Kalee flew in and onto my bed. "Hey! Can you not?!" I shouted angrily. "What are you doing today?" Kalee asked. "None of your business." I said. Mary rolled onto her side and threw her arm over me.

          I tried to push her off, but I failed. "Can we come?" Mary crooned. I groaned. "No." Kalee laid on top of me. "What is you two's deal today?" I asked. "We're boooored!" Mary said. I tried to shove them off.

           And that's when Jisoo came in. Aunt Alex was right behind him. "Jeonghan-Oh! You're already up. Well Josh is here to pick you up." She said. Mary and Kalee shot up from laying on top of me. One of their elbows went into my stomach, and a hand was dangerously close to my dick.


           "Hey Josh!"

           Both of them yelled at the same time. He smiled calmly at them. "You ready?" He asked in his soft voice. I smiled. "Yeah." I had still been lying down, but sat up after answering him. "You can smile?" Mary asked in complete shock. I rolled my eyes.

          "I smile quite often when I'm around people I actually like." I said in annoyance. Jisoo laughed. "Well I don't wanna be late, so I'm sorry, but we should get going." Jisoo said. "Bye Josh!" Kalee and Mary called at the same time.

          "Alright, but make sure to make a good impression for the church! We don't want people thinking you two are gay or anything!" I stiffened at my uncle's words. I saw Jisoo's eye twitch slightly, but that was the only sign he showed of being upset.

          "Whatever. See you guys later." I said and grabbed Jisoo's arm. I led him out of the house as swiftly as I could. He was trembling slightly when we got to the jeep. "Are you okay?" I asked. He gave me a forced smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine." He lied.

          I shrugged. I could tell he was lying, but if he didn't want to talk about it I wasn't going to push him. "Hold on. Let me get that!" He said as he rushed to open the door. He had the top on the jeep today. I smiled. "Thank you." I said.

          He smiled at me. "Of course." He said. I watched him as he drove. I went down his jawline and traced the outline of his muscle against his shirt. He looked over at me and smiled when he noticed me staring.

          I blushed and looked away. "Where are we going?" I asked in an attempt to break the silence between us. And by that I mean I really wanted to hear his voice. He thought for a moment.

          "I would say it's a surprise, but I actually don't know." He said. I stared. This time I wasn't admiring him. "That has got to be the very best plan I've ever heard." I couldn't help the sarcasm. I was so used to being nothing but sarcastic that it slipped out.

          "Thanks that's what I was hoping for." He didn't seem mad. Or hurt, so that was a good sign. Right? I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Get your shit together Jeonghan. I mentally slapped myself. Okay. This could be going worse. Yeah. One of us could be dead.

          "We could get something at the beach or near it?" Jisoo suggested. I looked down at myself. I wasn't really in beachwear. But I didn't have a better idea. So I agreed, "Sure. It's not like I know anywhere else."

          I saw his lip twitch up, but he hid the smile before it could even fully form. He continued driving quietly, and I went back to looking at him. Cause who wanted to look at something as boring as buildings when they could just stare at him? He really did have a perfect face. Well not as perfect as mine, but his was still nice.

    *****Time Skip*****

          He sighed suddenly. I looked up in alarm. "What?" I'd like to say that my voice was low and manly, but that would be lying. It cracked not even a second the word had started to come out of my mouth. It was very embarrassing, but of course, because Jisoo was perfect and had perfect manners, he ignored it.

          "Parking. I hate it." He said simply. I looked around. I could see why. I had been so focused on him I hadn't realized how many cars and people there were. Almost every spot was taken. I guess it didn't help that school was just around the bend and teens were trying to have as much fun as possible before they had to go back to studying.

          We drove around in circles for a while hoping someone would leave or that a spot would magically open up for us, but we weren't having much luck. So with another big sigh, Jisoo drove farther away from The Rose Cafe.  His grip on the wheel had turned tighter as he grew more frustrated and I could tell he was trying hard to maintain his self control.

          Finally though we found a spot. "Well that took a lot longer than I would have liked." Jisoo said. He ran his hand through his hair once, then he let it fall to his side. "This place has really good avocado toast." Jisoo said with a smile on his face.

          Seeing him happy made me feel wierd. Too wierd to explain anyways. "But you don't have to get it. All their stuff is pretty good." He said hastily. I had probably been looking at him wierdly.

          "It's fine. I'll just get whatever you get." I said. To be completely honest, I just didn't feel like reading the menu. If he said something was good, it was bound to be good. We walked close together but were careful not to touch. I had a feeling it was because he was scared someone he knew would see us.

          It would be pretty hard to cover up holding hands or something. Though I also doubted he would have held my hand on the first date even if he was out as gay and everyone knew.

          He held the door open for me and without another thought about what could have been different I stepped in.

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