Chapter 3

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Jisoo's P.O.V

I stared at him in mild horror. I couldn't believe I had asked that. My cheeks were on fire and I wanted nothing more than to just curl up and disappear. He was staring at me with his eyes wide and his mouth was hanging slightly open.

I got up. "I should go back inside..." I said nervously. I stood there for a moment. I dusted off my pants and went to leave. "Yes!" I stopped. Jeonghan had gotten up and was staring at me. His long hair had fallen out of its ponytail and was blowing across his face.

I couldn't suppress the smile that stretched across my face. I went back to him. "So uh...Wanna go out some time then?" I asked while running my hand through my hair nervously. I heard him laugh awkwardly. "No one in my family knows I'm gay so..." He said. Now it was my turn to laugh

"And you think my family knows? You do realize I'm the preacher's son right?" I asked while cocking my eyebrow. He shrugged. "Good point." He said. We slowly sat back down and I watched the other people walk by.

"Shouldn't we go back in?" Jeonghan asked. I leaned my head on my hand and looked up at him through my eyelashes. "Probably...But I don't want to." I said in a quiet voice. I saw him shiver. He was in dress pants and a sky blue thin button down shirt.

I couldn't tell if he was really cold or not. It was a surprisingly cool L.A. morning, but it wasn't that cold. He sighed and laid back with his hands pillowing his head. I traced the outline of his body against his shirt with my eyes. And I watched the rise and fall of his chest.

I leaned back and looked over at him. His eyes were closed and his facial features were soft and relaxed. His face was all angles and cheekbones. He had a strand of hair falling across his face. He was very nice to look at. His bone structure was like that of a fairy.

After awhile of simply looking at him I sighed. Knowing people would start leaving the service I sat up. "We should head back in." I said. His eyes slid open. He turned his head to look at me. "It's funny how people go to church to not end up in Hell, but yet they're voluntarily coming to mine." I was taken slightly aback. I could tell he didn't enjoy coming here, but I didn't think he hated it that much.

Jeonghan's P.O.V

I got up and followed him back inside the church. I liked just sitting outside with him. The first silence that had ensured us was super awkward, but the ones that followed were comfortable. I had felt him staring at me, and, for maybe the first time in my life, I was feeling super self-conscious.

When he spoke quietly I had to struggle to suppress shivers he sent down my spine. I had seen him notice the first time, so I had tried to play it cool by leaning back. I also had to constantly keep myself from blushing.

This was completely new to me. Usually I was the one that did to people what he was presently doing to me. I had to admit that I didn't really enjoy not knowing what to do with myself because one hot stranger.

He held the door open for me and somehow led us straight to the service room. I looked around and tried to remember the way he had taken, because I couldn't seem to figure out my way around this place. He seemed to have something stuck on his mind, but he didn't seem to want to express it.

"What is it?" I finally asked. He actually blushed! Maybe I was starting to have an affect on him. "Well...I was just wondering...Why do you hate church so much?" He asked. I stared at him for a moment. "Do you not see all the anti-gay stuff here? All the people here are so judgy. Not necessarily in L.A., but in this church." I said.

He looked down at the floor. "The bible says it's a sin." Jisoo said quietly. I scoffed. "It also says all sin is equal." I pointed out. "Yet people are constantly trying to figure out which is the biggest." I said. He was still looking at the ground, and he was playing with the hem of his sleeve.

"Plus. It was lost in translation. The original Greek passage said 'Man must not lay with boy.' Not, 'Man must not lay with man." I said. He shook his head slightly. "I don't know about that..." He let his sentence die off.

"Well I don't know about this whole God thing." I snapped. His head whipped up and he stared at me in pure shock. This time it was my turn to avoid eye contact. "What do you mean?" He asked. His voice was almost a whisper.

"It just seems sketchy to me." I said. He was obviously taken aback. "I respect your opinion, because I think it's clear we have very different views, but I hope this doesn't ruin anything between us." Jisoo said. I shrugged and slowly looked back up at him. "Whether or not it ruined anything is up to you."

He smiled shyly. My stomach contracted. Just then the doors on either side of us opened and people came pouring out. I jumped in shock and Jisoo laid a hand on my arm. I stared at it in surprise. He jerked his hand away instantly. "Sorry." He mumbled.

I subconsciously rubbed the spot his hand had been. We stood in awkward silence as people filed out. I drummed my fingers nervously against the wall and watched as he slowly tapped his foot. I tried leaning against the wall to put out an air of indifference.

The line of people was thinning out, but I hadn't seen my family, so I staid where I was. Suddenly a man that looked like he was in his mid-40s came out. He was in a navy blue pinstripe suit. His graying hair was slicked back and he was wearing a pair of round spectacles.

"Josh." Jisoo stiffened. "Joshua. I didn't see you at all during the service. Where were you?" The man's voice was low and stern. "I was looking for him...He got lost." Jisoo said in perfect English. "Ah well then...You must be Alex's nephew." The man said. He was still speaking English. "Yeah."

A/N: Sorry if I offend anybody. ~Xoxo, Toxic

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