Chapter 4

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Jeonghan's P.O.V

          "Father! I see you've met Jeonghan." My aunt said while coming out of the door. She was followed by Mary, Kalee, and my uncle. I instantly rolled my eyes. It had become a habit. The only person I liked was Kalee, and that was because she was quiet, and she was as sarcastic as I was. She just didn't show it.

          "Yes! A fine young man. How long is he supposed to be staying with you?" Jisoo's dad asked. "As far as we know only a year, but it could be two." My uncle said. I knew he didn't like me, but he tolerated me because my aunt insisted.

          "What are you going to do about school?" The preacher asked. I ignored him and looked fixedly at the wall. "Sorry. He's still struggling with English." My uncle said. I had to stop myself from laughing. Just because I ignore you all the time doesn't mean I don't understand you. "He'll be going to the twins' school. Josh goes there too right?"

          Jisoo leaned slightly closer to me. "Yeah. Well you're coming to the barbecue next Sunday after church right?" Jisoo's dad asked. "Of course!" Mary exclaimed. Her parents shot her a look. She obviously wasn't supposed to speak up around him.

          "Well we'll see you there. Josh come on. It's time to leave."  Jisoo leaned over. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10:00 for brunch." He whispered before following his dad. I watched him go sadly. "BYE!" I called. Jisoo turned around. He waved as he walked backwards and smiled warmly at me.

          I smiled back at him. I had hated him the first time I saw him because of his stupid perfect face, but now I was simply intrigued by him. He had peeked my interest, and now I wound up expecting a date with him.

          "Nice going Jeonghan. You got Joshua in trouble." Mary said. I shrugged. "His dad just realized that Perfect Joshua isn't as perfect as I am." I said. "Yes, because you're so perfect." Kalee said. I ignored her sarcasm. "Thanks, I know I am."

          She rolled her eyes. "Jeonghan I think we should have a talk about your manners." My aunt said. "What's to talk about? If I don't want to talk to someone I politely ignore them." I said. I heard her sigh in defeat. "Are you just gonna let him do what he wants?" My uncle asked angrily.

          "It's not like we can do anything." She pointed out. I couldn't help but smile. I liked being their problem. "Fine. Let's go." I followed quietly. Kalee fell into step beside me and we walked in silence.

          We got to the car and I waited for my cousins to get in before I would, but before I could the door shut in my face. "You're walking." I stared at my uncle. He had a nasty sneer on his face. "But I don't know where to go." I said. My eyes were wide. "Figure it out." And with that he got in and I heard him tell my aunt to drive.

          "Well shit..." I said to no one in particular. I watched which way the car went and tried to remember how we had gotten there this morning. I looked around. There were still some cars in the parking lot but most had disappeared.

          Okay Jeonghan. Put on you're most flattering smile and hopefully someone will pick you up. I thought as I headed back to the church. I walked as slowly as possible. I ran a hand through my hair and realized it had fallen out of its ponytail. I looked down at my wrist to see if I had any hair ties, but I was out of luck.

          Well. I'm already off to a bad star, but that's okay. Things will turn around. I continued walking on my way. "Hey!" Well things turned around a lot faster than I thought they would. I turned and smiled. "Hi!" I greeted Jisoo. He seemed slightly out of breath like he had been running.

          "What are you still doing here?" He asked. It really was refreshing being able to speak in Korean with somebody. "Well umm...I sorta got left behind." I said. I scratched the back of my neck. He did that cute thing I noticed he did a lot where he had this smile on his face. He didn't show his teeth. It made him look like a cat.

          "I can give you a ride back to your aunt and uncle's." He offered. I smiled. "Please." I heard him laugh. "Yeah. Come on. I need to grab my keys." He said. "Wait. When were you born?" He asked. It suddenly dawned on me too. "It's fine. We're friends right?" He nodded.

          I followed him back into the church and he went straight to a room off to the side of the front desk. He came back out with a lanyard and his keys. "Let's go." He said after coming back out. I smiled and fell into step beside him.

           He led me to a spotless white jeep. A cross hung from the rear view mirror and the top was off. "Sorry, but I don't really know what the address is...or how to get there." I said. He laughed. "It's fine. I know how to get there." He said as he opened the door for me. I focused on the ground as I shyly got in.

           He got in on his side and started the jeep. He pulled out of the parking lot with one hand on the wheel and the other resting comfortably on the center consul. I looked over and took him in with my eyes. His lips seemed to have a permanent little uplifting curve where he looked like he was constantly happy.

            His skin was sun kissed and his hair held a slightly red tint to it. Why is he so pretty? "I don't know. Genetics?" I gaped at him. "Did I say that out loud?" He laughed. "Maybe I'm a mind reader." I rolled my eyes. "Sure you are. If you're a mind reader, I'm straight." I said. "Well it's a good thing I'm not a mind reader, cause that would put a damper on things."

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