Chapter 6

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          It went well. At least for me it did. We talked about our favorite things. Had some people stare at us. Either cause we were hot or gay I couldn't tell. It could've been both. His favorite colors were blue, black, brown, and pink. I thought the pink was cute, but I didn't tell him that. He liked Adventure Time, and I didn't know what it was which led to a long bout of him nerding out.

          He even paid. I was gonna pay my half, but he insisted, and now we were on our way for icecream. I was actually kinda glad he had paid, because I was still trying to figure out American money.

          We finally made it to the little icecream parlor, so he parked, it was much easier this time, and held open the door for me before we headed inside. He ordered for both of us. He ended up getting chocolate and I got strawberry. So with our icecream in hand we went and found a seat outside. 

          "So what made you want to attend DMHS?" Jisoo asked. He was speaking English and I had put together that he was much more comfortable speaking it instead of Korean. "Nothing really. I much rather be at Daeil, but with parents constantly moving that's a no go. I guess it's just where Aunt Alex wanted me to go?"

          He nodded along and tilted his head to one side by the time I was done. "So...You don't like L.A?" He asked. I was taken aback. As far as I knew, I liked L.A, but I guess I wasn't really showing it. "No I do! I just don't particularly like who it is I'm staying with." I said.

          "Is your family really all that bad? I mean Ms. Alex and your uncle are always nice to us. And Mary and Kalee aren't that bad." I didn't know if I agreed with him. Kalee wasn't bad, but everyone else...well they were terrible. Especially Mary. My uncle was right behind her though when it came to most annoying.

          "You're not living with them." I stated coolly. He shrugged simply. "I guess you're right." He said in defeat. "Oh!" I jumped surprise at Jisoo's sudden outburst. "Here. Give me your number, and I'll give you mine." He said with his phone outstretched.

          "Um. I can't really do anything with my phone while I'm here unless I'm connected to the internet." I said. His face fell, but he put his smile back on like nothing had happened. "That's okay. I'll just call one of the twins, but we'll see each other at school a lot. Wait what branch are you gonna be in?" I blinked.

          "Branch? Like tree branch?" He was speaking English while I spoke in Korean so many passersbys would stare and try to figure out what we were talking about. "No. DMHS has three branches. Kalee is in the Business branch, but Mary's a part of the Fashion branch. Then there's the Electronic Information branch. Which one are you going to be in?" He explained.

          "Well I guess whichever one Aunt Alex put me in." I said after I understood. "Well I hope you end up with me. I mean everybody has English, math, history/geography, and science. Then the other three periods are for whatever branch you're in." He said. I shrugged.

          "Do a lot of people there know Korean?" I asked. He thought for a moment. "Only a few. Why?" I avoided eye contact. I had a feeling if he knew what I was always saying he wouldn't like me as much. "Just wondering." I wasn't technically lying to him.

          He sighed. "Well I just don't want the summer to end." He said wistfully. I nodded my agreement. I was dreading school, but there was also no avoiding it. Maybe you could jump in front of a taxi? Bad idea.

          "But hey! At least we'll have each other, right?" I laughed at his words. He looked slightly hurt and I regretted it. I wasn't laughing at him wanting us to be together, well...I was, but only because he was being very cute about it. "Yeah, you're right. If it was just Mary and Kalee I think I would die!" I exclaimed. This time he laughed.

          "Naw. You'd find plenty of friends. Most of the people there are really nice, and I'm almost certain you'll make lots of friends on the first day." He said. I blushed. I wasn't so sure about that. Then he said something I really wasn't expecting. "You're really cute when you blush." I looked up in surprise. He had his chin resting on his hand and his eyes were almost slitted.

          So of course instead of complimenting him back or saying something cute I did the obvious. "I'm always cute, but thanks for letting me know." I said. He smiled at me. "Well it sounds like you already know, but I felt like reminding you." Dammit! I was blushing even harder. Stupid perfect hot Jisoo! Making me feel stupid and ugh! I almost said that all out loud, but I stopped myself.

          He was still looking at me, but had become very interested in my icecream. I poked it around with my spoon. When I finally did dare to look up, he was still watching me with a faint smile on his face. I wasn't sure if I wanted to curl up and disappear under his gaze or not.

           Obviously I couldn't even if I truly wanted to, so I continued looking down at my icecream. When he suddenly moved I looked up. He was looking down at his watch with his smile now gone. "We should get back. I'm supposed to be helping my dad at the church in about an hour." He said sourly.

          I sighed. "That's a bummer." I said. I didn't want him to go. I didn't want our date to end, but sadly all good things come to an end wether people want them to or not. "Come on" He said. So I got up and followed him to his jeep.

A/N: Hey guys! So I was wondering if yall wanted me to have some other members/idols introduced. Like Hansol visiting family or something. Or some of the other members/idols being transfer students or something like that. Well I'm not really sure how else I would introduce any of them later on, but oh well. I'll figure something out.             ~Xoxo, Toxic

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