"Take a picture. It'll last longer." He smirked, causing my cheeks to turn a bright red.

"Whatever. Lets try to sleep now." I sighed, slipping under the blanket covering my bed.

He was laying right beside me. I was turned the opposite way with my back facing him. He snaked his arms around my waist and brung my body into his chest.

"If I'm gonna try and sleep, you're gonna have to cuddle with me." He oh-so-smoothly spoke, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Doesn't look like I have a choice." I turned on my back, looking up at him through my long eyelashes.

"Got that right." He smiled.

Just as my eyes started to droop, they popped right back open as Ezra's warm breath tickled my neck. "Kylie?"


"This Is gonna be the best night's sleep I've gotten in a while."

My breath shortened at his bold words. I swear this boy is gonna be the death of me.

"Me too." I smiled. "Goodnight, Ezra."

"Goodnight cupcake."

Before I went to sleep, I put my arm around his stomach and laid my head on his chest. His arm was on my back and he was making circles on my shoulder.

I could sleep like this every night.


I woke up to the sound of a soft knock on my bedroom door.

"Sweetie, I'm going to work. Can you give me a hug before I go? I need to get my day off to a good start."

Oh sh**! Ezra was supposed to be gone by now!

I shoved Ezra off of my bed, causing him to let out a loud groan.

"What was that?" My dad asked.

"Just me being clumsy. Hang on. I need to.....uh.... use the bathroom."

"I'll just come in and set on your bed until you get done. I don't feel like standing out in the hallway." He slowly turned my door knob, the panic filling every inch of my body, growing more and more by the second.

"Ezra, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna get in so much trouble!" I asked, begging for him to help me.

"I'll hide in the shower." He suggested, running towards my en-suite, me following right in behind him.

A millisecond later, my dad walked into my room. Phew! That was close.

"I'm just gonna take a shower here. I have a shirt in my car. We can go to school together." He smiled.

No matter how much I wanted to, I have to drive Cody and Brooklyn to school

"I can't. I take Brooklyn and her brother to school everyday."

His smile dropped.

"Oh okay. Well if its okay with you, I would still like to get ready here. I don't have time to go home and get ready."

"That's fine. Don't use all of my shampoo."

"Who are you talking to? Is everything okay Kylie?" I forgot he was even in my room with Ezra and I being stuck in such a small room together.

"Uh...yeah. Everything's fine. Just having a morning chat with myself." I let out a forced laugh.

"Umm.... Okay. Hurry up. Why are you taking so long?"

I ran out of the bathroom before he started getting even more suspicious.

"Sorry. Just really tired this morning." I faked a yawn, walking down the stairs into the living room.

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