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It had been a few months since they had last seen It in Derry. But at the moment, that was the least of their problems. Ever since Bowers and his gang disappeared, other students had been attempting to take their place. And one group did, and they were much worse.

There were four in their group now, but they were chasing down the unfortunate lucky seven. They all had switch knives, threatening to slice their skinny little necks. Bill had to help Eddie as they were running. He was having an asthma attack mid-run. 'Come on Eddie Spaghetti, run faster!' yelled Richie. 'I hate that name, don't call me that!' he shouted between gasps. They got various glances from other people, but one look and they continued with what they were doing.

Bev spotted two policemen outside the town library. She shouted everyone to follow her. They slowed down outside the library and waited for the gang to come around the corner. When they came around the corner and saw the police, they put their knives away, grumbling something, and slowly walked away.

"That was a bit too close wasn't it?" panted Stan. "We've dealt with worse, right?" joked Richie, winking. They all gave him stern stares. Bill glanced out the window, making sure they were gone. "I-I should p-probably get g-going," said Bill. Bev perked up. "I'll go with you, then." They each said their goodbyes except Richie and Eddie.

Eddie was still having trouble with his asthma and Richie decided to stay with him. He helped him over to an empty bench in the library and sat him down. "You good Eddie Sp-"
"Don't..." he wheezed through his inhaler, taking bigger breaths as his asthma subsided. "Want to go back to my place?" suggested Richie. "We can buy snacks on the way there since I just got my allowance." Eddie took a few more breaths then thought for a few seconds.

Then he smiled, all teeth, and said "Sure, why not?" "Awesome! Did I ever mention that your smile is adorable, Eds?" asked Richie. "Umm, no?" He frowned. But you too, I guess?" They left the library.

Then they had to go back to where they started and find their bikes. Then they had to bike back to Richie's house. He lived in the strangest part of town, by far. Richie told his mom that Eddie was staying over, and she obliged. Richie was leading Eddie to his room, his arm holding him up.

"My God Richie, I'm not 6, I don't need help!" protested Eddie. "Eds, shut up!" "I hate that!" he retorted. Richie only smirked in response. They didn't really say anything after they got to his room.

"Do you remember what happened? With, you know?" asked Richie. Eddie pursed his lips. "Not really." "Me neither. Come to mention it I don't remember much of anything." said Richie. "I don't know what happened," he lowered and shook his head, "but I don't like it." Richie gave him a concerned look. Eddie was just staring at the floor.

Richie grabbed Eddie's arm, hands lingering near his wrists. He stared at the floor, just taking in the feeling. Remembering. Then he suddenly remembered just how he broke his arm.

"You know..." says Eddie slowly. "I think I remember who Pennywise was now. Big white guy.... Red nose.... About 75 feet tall...." His voice started breaking. "Mouth full of razor-sharp teeth?' he said while beginning to cry. "No, no, no Eddie. Don't cry, please..." He was choking on sobs, tightly grasping his inhaler. Richie grabbed Eddie's face, turning it towards him. "Eddie, IT was never real. Do you understand?" He nodded slowly while hyperventilating drastically. Richie pried his inhaler out of his hand with some effort.
"'Ok Eddie, here, just breathe." Richie put the inhaler in Eddie's mouth and pressed down. Eddie put his hand over Richie's so he could use the inhaler again. When he finished he was gasping for fresh air. "That's it, breathe," encouraged Richie. It took a while for Eddie to stabilize his breathing. Richie had him pulled close while Eddie's head was in the crook of his neck. He was rocking him back and forth to calm him down. "You okay?" asked a concerned Richie. Eddie nodded in response. Eddie took another breath through his inhaler.
Richie stared at him with a strange look through his large glasses. "You don't need that Eds." He gave Richie the strangest look then slowly nodded. "Yes, yes I do Richie." "No, you don't."

They went on like that for a while, at one point Eddie started to loudly explain his condition. Very loudly to where Richie couldn't take much more. Then Richie leaned back a little, watching Eddie yell. He slightly smirked at how worked up he could get Eddie in a certain amount of time.

"For the last time Richie, I need-" Richie completely ignored what he was saying and cut Eddie off by grabbing his face and kissing him on the cheek. Eddie was caught so off guard that he quickly put his hand to his heart like he was offended. His mind was racing in the three seconds it took.

When Richie finally pulled away he said, "If you don't like me back, this will be the worst mistake of my life." Eddie laughed and made Richie fall in love all over again.

Author's Note-

I know it's bad, writing may be fun for me, but it's not exactly my strong suit. I'm new to this writing subject. It took me about four days to write this. So forgive me if it's not amazing and has mistakes. If you would like imagines or other one-shots from IT, feel free to let me know.



IT Imagines & PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora