In The Name of Love

Start from the beginning

OuterTale (Forgive me cuz I'm not that familiar with this AU XD Geno partner, help me out if I'm wrong): Frisk looked around in awe, not even realizing she had let go of his hand and was now floating freely. She was surrounded by billions of lights, stars, galaxial (I am making that a word! Shuch up! XD) (GALAXIAL LOOL) wisps painting colors across the dark background. Once she did notice that she no longer had a hold of him, however, her awe was soon overtaken by panic as she looked around, but he was nearby, smiling in amusement at her. She smiled back at him in both relief and happiness, reassured by his presence as she continued to look around at the galaxy's that surrounded her. Everything was so beautiful.

But as they floated there, they grew closer and closer to the exit of the in-between worlds (IDK WHAT TO CALL IT), and before she knew it, she was falling. Why was the exit on the ceiling?! Her hands shot out to stop her fall as she squeezed her eyes shut to prepare for the hit, but it never came. She opened her eyes to see Sans lying on his back on the ground from where he had obviously landed hard, but he was still smiling up at her, holding her with his aura to keep her from landing hard. "I gotcha, kiddo."

When there's madness, when there's poison in your head
When the sadness leaves you broken in your bed

(I'm going to split this verse up to fit both of two of the darkest AUs)

DustTale: She stared in shock at the skeleton man who stood before her. His eyes...they were wrong. His familiar smirk...far too sinister. But he didn't move. He didn't move to attack her as she took the few shaky steps to reach him. She didn't really need to look up to meet his eyes, them being relatively the same height and all. She could see the hesitation as he looked at her, but he was still prepared. Still prepared to kill her.

"Sans..." His eyes wavered at her gentle voice as she reached up and cupped his cheek, smiling reassuringly at him. "How do skeletons keep their cool so well?" She had messed up the lines, but she could see the recognition in his eyes, the horror of what he had almost done to her and what he had already done.

"Because nothing gets under their skin." He broke and hugged her tightly, clutching her to his chest as the full realization that she was back and most certainly not Chara set in.

I will hold you in the depths of your despair
And it's all in the name of love

HorrorTale: She clung to him, her face pressed into his stained white shirt, trying to convince herself that it was ketchup even though the smell told her otherwise. He didn't move, frozen with the cleaver raised as if still prepared to cut her down...but he didn't. His instincts screamed at him to slice and dice her. His broken mind telling him to throw her away before he got hurt, before she took advantage of him. He did neither. Instead, there was a muffled thud as the cleaver hit the ground, and he steadily wrapped his arms around her, tears silently falling down his face because this was all he had wanted. He wanted love...not broken, dejected love towards food or a lifeless corpse.

In the name of love, name of love
In the name of love, name of love

In the name of

Continuing from previous "Any tale with Chara basically": She smiled as he stood before her after her reset. They were fine, both completely fine and both completely there, mentally and physically. They were the only ones who remembered, but that was okay. They didn't need anyone else to remember. They just needed each other to remember because it was their struggle and strife and all they had went through together and against each other that made this reunion even more sweeter and even more worth it. He opened his arms to her, and she rushed forward, hugging him tightly.

"Heh, missed you too, kid."

I wanna testify
Scream in the holy light
You bring me back to life
And it's all in the name of love

The Resets: He used to be mad, having to do things over and over, but now as she bounced beside him, her excited eyes taking in everything, he realized that he couldn't be mad at her. She was always so excited to see him even when she thought he couldn't remember anything. She still looked forward to seeing him even though she would have to do so many things over and over and jump through all the same hoops. She came back to him. She always did. He wasn't when this whole loop started, but now he was why she continued to push on. He was her determination. He was the reason she kept coming back to life.

I wanna testify
Scream in the holy light
You bring me back to life
And it's all in the name of love

FaithTale: She floated there so gracefully, like an angel surrounded by her own glow. The cloth tendrils whisked after her as she moved, and her body was practically sculpted by the most skilled of artisans, even though he tried not to notice. He pressed his hands to the glass, and she mirrored his actions, her innocent eyes bright and her smile like a ray of sunshine straight from heaven. He didn't care anymore who knew. He didn't care anymore that she was supposed to be just a test subject. He loved her through and through, and the way she looked back at him, it wasn't hard to tell that she loved him too.

In the name of Love
The name of
In the name of Love
In the name of

UnderTale: "Love ya, kiddo."

Flowerfell: "But I do love you, sweetheart.

Underfell: "Yeah, yeah, love ya too, pet. What? Don't look at me like that. Fiiine. I love ya too, sweetheart."

Echotale: "Love you too, goodie-goodie."

Dusttale: "No, I don't LOVE you, and I don't want to use that word...You know what I mean..."

Horrortale: " you...even if you are a meatbag..."

Faithtale: "I love you, girlie."

Frangartale: "Love you too, princess...even if you are a bipolar bear."

Swaptale: "The Magnificent Sans loves you with all of his heart!"

MafiaTale: "Yeah, love ya, lil' pup. *chuckles* What? I don't care if you're eighteen, and I'm "only four years older." I'll call you what I want. Capiche?"

A/N: Some of those "I love you"s with nicknames, I made up the response in hopes of matching the AU, others I'm pretty sure are in the gist of the AU, and some are nicknames from stories I've read :3 If anyone else has some please tell me and Luna! Anyways! That was a whole lot of fun to write! I hope y'all enjoyed it! Now to create some more things with my Geno Partner! Until next time, our lovely bones and tea lovers! Goodbye!

Luna's Reaction: XD this is gonna be good
"bipolar bear" pfft
I'll never get over that , my genocidal  partner up there Arcus is like an amazing writer hope I could catch up.
I'll be seeing you lovely bones and tea lovers

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