Week 7--POP! (Part Two)

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Disclaimer: I use lyrics from Sean Maguire's song "Now I Found You" in this chapter.

The producers understood that Robin and Regina were in no condition to make it to the studio for rehearsal on Friday. However, they still managed to get some practice in when Regina finally got rid of her headache and didn't feel like death warmed over. She drove over to Robin's house and they rehearsed in his private dance studio. Claire hovered over them both, making sure they didn't push themselves too hard and continued to nurse their hangovers.

Regina returned to the studio on Saturday morning, feeling much more herself as she sipped her coffee. She ran through some warm ups while waiting for Robin, who texted that he was running a bit late due to an accident. Once she felt her muscles had been properly warmed up, she headed back to the table to for some water.

Bang! She jumped as the door to her studio hit the wall. Looking up, annoyance filled her as Gold angrily limped into the room. He threw down a tabloid magazine that had a blurry picture of her standing really close to Robin at the party the other night. It probably was from the moment they kissed but it was still too blurry to confirm. Still, she knew what he was there to say.

"What the hell is this?" he asked, jabbing a finger at the tabloid.

She sighed, deciding to act nonchalant. "It looks like someone got a picture of me hugging Robin at his party. Or maybe wiping something from his cheek. It's kinda blurry. May not even be me."

"Don't play games with me," he hissed, fire in his eyes. "I saw the pictures. You were the only one wearing white at the party. And don't think I didn't notice how provocative that was."

"Oh, please. You had me in outfits just as bad as that for competitions. Especially if you thought it would give me an edge with the judges," she replied, not in the mood to deal with his faux indignation. "But if you really have a problem with it, take it up with wardrobe. They dressed me."

He sighed, shaking his head. "I also heard about your little dance with Robin at the party. My source said you were practically having sex with him!"

She let out a snort. "Your 'source'? I didn't realize you and Mother were still fucking each other."

"Now's not a time to be so glib, Regina," he growled. "All the magazines are talking about you and Robin being in love."

"And what if we are?" she asked. "What is so terrible about that? It's not going to hurt my career."

He banged his cane on the floor. "You don't get it do you?"

Anger took over Regina and she slammed her water bottle down. "You know what, Gold? Ever since I got here I've had the feeling that you've had a grand plan for me. However, you can't get mad at me for messing it up IF YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHAT THE FUCK IT IS!"

She panted as she stared him down. He nodded, stepping closer to him. "Fair enough. I want you to win and prove to the producers, to the fan and to that poof Killian Jones that traditional dance is far better than his non-traditional shit."

"And how does me falling in love with Robin ruin that?" she asked, almost nose-to-nose with him.

He closed his eyes, shaking his head. "Because if you two fall in love, we will never know if the audience voted for you because of your romance or because of your routines. Or worst, your romance could turn them off and they don't vote for you."

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