Week 6--Latin Night

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Someone knocked on Regina's trailer door as she washed her face clean of the heavy makeup used for the show. Drying her face, she hurried to answer it, unsurprised to find Robin standing on the other side. Like her, he was freshly showered and clad in a loose t-shirt paired with jeans. It was simple but sexy, she thought.

He smiled at her. "Care to walk me to my car?"

"Sure," she replied, smiling back at him. "I just have to put my shoes on. Come on in."

He stepped inside as she placed her towel down. She sat down, pulling on her sneakers as he picked up a picture on her vanity. Robin frowned. "This is the man who attacked you."

Regina nodded, filling him in on everything Isaac and Archie had told her before the show. She watched as he pressed his lips together until they were pale lines she could barely make out.

He shook his head. "I've heard of Erotomania but was told it usually affects women."

"Well, I got the rare male case. Lucky me." She rolled her eyes as she stood up.

"Regina," he said seriously, grabbing her shoulders to force her to look in his eyes. "Erotomania is a serious thing. Sufferers cannot distinguish reality from the fantasy in their heads."

"I know," she snapped, feeling like a child receiving a lecture. She didn't appreciate that. "Archie went over all of this with me."

"Then you know you need to take it more seriously!"

Angrily, she pushed away from him. "I am! You don't think I'm scared? I'm terrified, Robin. There's nothing I can do to prevent the next Sidney Glass because they are crazy. Do you know how scary that is?"

"Yes!" he yelled back. "Because I'm scared too, Regina. I was there, remember? I couldn't get him to let go of you, I couldn't protect you. I care too much about you to just stand by and let someone hurt you."

"I didn't ask you to protect me." Her independent streak reared its head and she frowned again. "I can take care of myself."

Robin shook his head. "I know. I'm not saying you can't. But..."

"But what?" she asked, almost yelling. She seethed at the thought that he was going to try to control her. He could ask Gold about how well that went. "Tell me, Robin. But. What?"

"You don't have to do it alone! Let me help you," he begged, voice thick with emotion as he grasped her arms. The love she had seen during their dance was once again clear in his eyes. "I want to help you. Well, I want to scoop you, Henry and Emma up and take you to my house and slam those gates closed. I want to keep all the dangers of the world away from you but I know that won't make you happy. So let me help find a way that keeps you safe and happy. Please."

Regina sagged in his grasp, her anger dissipating at the passion and sincerity in his voice. "I'm not used to this. I'm used to doing this on my own."

"While I'm sure Emma would disagree," he said, pulling her into a hug, "I understand. But you don't have to be alone. I'm right here, Regina."

He rubbed her back as they fell onto her couch. She sniffed, fighting her tears though she felt safe and loved in his embrace. It was a small and temporary comfort, though. The producers would soon come around to chase everyone off the lot for the night. She and Robin couldn't risk being found like this by them.

Reluctantly, she pulled away and wiped her eyes. "We should go home. I'm sure we both need a good night's rest."

"Regina," he said, taking her hand. "Talk to me. Let me comfort you."

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