Week Two--My Jam Week

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"Mom, you were great!" Henry attacked her with a bear hug the moment she entered the house. She barely had time to adjust her balance to account for his weight.

Regina hugged him back. "So you watched?"

"We found a way to stream the East Coast live feed," Emma explained, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen with her arms crossed. "We couldn't wait."

"Your costume was amazing! So was Robin's! And it looks like he's really good already. I'm sure you'll go far," Henry continued, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

Regina laughed. "Well, I hope so too. Belle did say we were...I think blowing up?..social media."

"Look at that, Henry. Being on this show might bring your mother into the twenty-first century at last," Emma teased.

Henry's smile grew bigger. "Yeah, Team Outlaw Queen. I saw some of the comments. The audience really likes you two."

"They really, really like you," Emma whispered. "I had to censor some of the more R and X rated ones."

Regina nodded before whispering: "Thanks."

"Emma and I used all our votes for you two," Henry said. "That's twenty-four votes right there."

"Well, thank you." Regina kissed his head. "Why don't you head upstairs and get your pajamas on? I'll be right up to read with you."

He nodded before bounding up the stairs. Once they were sure he was in his bedroom, Emma turned to Regina. "You hungry? I can heat something up for you."

"Thanks but I grabbed something at craft services after the show. I forgot how hungry performing made me," Regina replied. "All I want to do is read with my son, tuck him in and then take a nice hot bath before I turn in for the night."

"Okay. Just checking." Emma paused, tilting her head. "So, I wasn't too sure. Was the queen going to kill the outlaw or fuck him?"

"Kill him," Regina replied, starting to climb the stairs. "Definitely."

Regina reported back to the rehearsal studio Tuesday morning. Robin was only a few minutes behind her, carrying two cups of coffee. "I believe I figured out how you like it," he said, handing her one.

She raised her eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"Yep," he said, sounding proud. "A latte with skim milk and caramel topping."

"Oh." That was her preferred order and when she took a sip, it was made just to her liking. "How did you know?"

Robin grinned. "I checked your coffee a few times when you left the room until I could figure out your order."

That was pretty... sweet. She narrowed her eyes, wondering what his true motives were. "Why? Trying to butter me up for something?"

"No," he insisted, his grin fading a bit. "I was just trying to be nice. Because that's what decent people do."

She sighed, not sure if he meant to insult her or not. "You're right. Thank you, Robin."

"You're welcome , Regina." He set his coffee down before clapping his hands. "So, the jive."

"Yes." She set down her coffee as well. "To Pharrell's 'Happy.'"

He tilted his head. "I sense some judgment in that tone."

"It's just not the usual choice," she replied, keeping the cameras and their mic packs in mind.

"I know. But it's stuck in my head and it has been for a long time. I find myself singing it and dancing along at the oddest times. So might as well dance to it on a dancefloor, eh?" He wiggled his eyebrows as he grinned at her.

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