Week One--The Premiere

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"So, Mom, are we going to the opening show tomorrow night?" Henry asked. He was sitting at the table in his pajamas, munching on apple slices before bed.

Regina sat next to him, eating the dinner Emma had saved for her. She shook her head. "You have a math test on Tuesday," she said, "so you're going to have to study and get plenty of rest. You need to focus on the test if you want to pass it."

His face fell. "But Mom..."

"No 'buts'," she said. "School comes first. You know that."

He scowled. "But what if this is your only week?"

"Robin is pretty good, so I doubt that will happen. Besides, no one gets eliminated this week. That happens next week."

"So can I go next week?" He perked up a bit, giving her puppy dog eyes for added measure.

She sighed. "We'll see, okay? And look at it this way—because of time delays, you might get to watch the show with me."

Henry bit another apple, considering his mother's words. "It wouldn't be the same...but it would be nice."

"Great." She kissed his forehead as she took his empty plate. "Go brush your teeth and I'll be up to tuck you in."

"Okay, Mom." He stood and headed upstairs, wishing Emma a goodnight as they passed outside the kitchen.

Emma strolled in, taking Henry's empty chair. "So, I guess I'm not taking the kid to the studio tomorrow?"

Regina shook her head. "We had a discussion and I made it clear that school comes first. Especially where math is concerned."

"Of course," her friend agreed. "Besides, knowing you, I'm sure you and the Outlaw will be around for a few more weeks, especially since you seem to be pleased with his natural talent."

"I agree that we'll probably be safe as long as Robin doesn't get too cocky. He has talent and he has the drive," Regina replied. "He just needs to watch his attitude."

"Is it that bad?"

Shrugging, Regina said: "Not yet. If I can keep him away from Killian Jones, it should be easier."

Emma wrinkled her nose. "Henry says you said Killian is really as bad he seems on TV."

"Yep," Regina replied. She took a bite of her pasta as her friend shuddered. "I can't wait for someone to take him down a peg."

"I hope it's you. I hope at the end of all of this, you and Robin are standing there with the trophy and he's off scowling on the sidelines. End his winning streak, please," Emma pleaded, looking exasperated.

Regina chuckled. "I'll do my best. It's also going to be up to Robin, the judges and the viewing audience."

Her friend groaned. "And they fucking love him. Fuck."

"Language," Regina chided. "Henry isn't in bed yet. I'm going to tuck him in. You can stew."

As Emma's sarcastic laughter echoed behind her, Regina left the kitchen and climbed the stairs to tuck her not-so-little boy into bed.


Regina and Robin had one more practice before the show. It was flawless and he pumped his fist when it was done. "Now I just have to do that tonight," he said.

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