Rebel Army Base

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Tord's POV
We made it to the base of the rebel army and everyone goes into their position. Tom was to my right with his harpoon out.
"You ready?"
I whisper to Tom.
He nods and gives me a small hug.
The signal to start was of me making a whistle. I look back towards the sun and see that it's right where I want it to be.
I whistle.
And everyone starts to move as quickly as they can to the base in silence.
We are closing in on the base and they still don't seem to have noticed us. By now I thought that they would sound some kind of an alarm.
I get to one of their doors and break the knob open letting the door open. With the gun out in front of me, I see.... no one?
I lower my gun and walk through the hallways and see a control room. I had other solders check around the base to see if they can find Edd. Then I hear something. It sounds like, banging? I follow the sound of it and see a door with iron bars on it. I look through and see what made my eyes widen. Edd was in the room all bruised and bloodied and had tape over his mouth. I could see that his shoulder was dislocated and his ankle looked odd. I break open the door open to see Edd trying to say something. I rip off the tape and-
I hear a beeping of a bomb that makes me go pale as a white sheet of paper.
"EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE BASE NOW!" I roared making my voice bounce off the walls and make the solders inside scramble out the entrance. I cover Edd with my coat and put my body between where I thought the bomb was going to blow and Edd. I was going to pull up my hood but it was too late.
I see white blinding light as I try to bury my head in Edd's hoodie while still covering him. I feel the skin on my neck, back, and legs start to burn a little as I lean a little on Edd in pain. When all of a sudden, something grey wrap around me and Edd, protecting us. I look up to see a black eye staring down at me.
I yelp in surprise as I pull myself and Edd back into his arms that were also protecting me. I hear it whimper slightly. And then I remember.
"T-Tom? Is that you?"
I ask. As a reply, he grumbles and nuzzles me on my head making my hair a little messy. I pet him on the head. I look down to see Edd unconscious. I hear Tom slowly unravel around me as us as I sit up to a standing position and look around. There was rubble everywhere, and just before the rubble I see my solders staring at me, Edd and Tom.
"He's no threat!"
I yell out when I see some of the men point their guns at Tom. When Tom sees them point the guns at him, he tries to shrink down behind us. But also wrapping his tail around my ankle protectively. I turn around and kneel in front of him and pet his head to try and calm him down. When I scratch behind his ear, he starts... to pur??? I let out a small gasp by accident. Oh my god he's adorable.
"Tom, could you turn back?"
I hear bones starting to crack and break as I see Tom transform into his human self, and completely clothed. By the time he finished, I had my mouth open.
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"It used to. But by now I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me as much."
I wanted to ask more but I had to tell my solders solders what to do. As I turn around, I see a person in a grey over coat.
"They're in the trees!"
I yell out alerting everyone. I start to hear gun shots roar and echo around us. And we start to fire too. Me and Tom go in front of the unconscious Edd protecting him. As I shoot down three solders with three bullets I glance over to see how tom is doing. He's firing away at as many enemies as he can see. I feel pain in my left shoulder to see that my skin has been sliced by a bullet. I wince in pain as I keep firing. They're near a cliff, we could push them towards it and make them surrender.

I roared.
I see my solders start to push foward making the rebels back up. And 5 solders run towards Edd and carry him away.
"Tom! Cover me! I need to check something that might help us win!"
I see him move himself in front of me. And keeps on shooting. I check my arm and press a button just under my wrist. A hologram of the map where we are fighting pops up. I look towards where we will be pushing the rebels. The cliff wasn't too far away, we can do it! I press the button again and the hologram disappears.
"You're good!"
I shout at Tom. We both start firing side by side hitting as many targets as we can while moving forward.
/// Thanks to everyone who helped me out with the virus that I had! I couldn't really write at all! I did say that we will have one or two chapters left but now it will probably be two more chapters. Anyways, have a great day! ///

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