First Task

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Tom's POV
"You're going to join his army?!" Edd yelled at me in disbelief.
"Edd, it my choice. And yes. I agree with what Tord has in mind for his world domination."
Edd sighs in defeat. No matter how much he tries, he won't change my mind.
"Alright, fine. But try not to hurt yourself. And try to keep that other side of yours down." He says the last sentence quietly.
"Edd! I told you to not talk about that part of me!" I whisper yell. He nods for his reply and goes to the kitchen of his apartment. Leaving me to go sit on the couch and start to read the papers given to me. You have been picked to work with us.......... Red Leader must be respected...... do not go into his office without permission or you will be punished........... everyone is arranged with skill level and/or how long they've been in this army...................... Red Leader wants the best for his solders and the people who agree with his beliefs to change the world............................ You will have to come to the north part of the city that you are in. come the day after you got this before dawn. This will be where you'll start for your first test before we can let you become one of the solders........... we will check your strengths and weaknesses and will give you tips on what to work on........... any special needs or secrets that can help, please show us so that we can see what we can do.............. do not show this to anyone else who is trying to destroy this army.................. please bring form with you on first test.
After all of that, there were the forms forms for me to fill out. There were 8-9 pages that I had to fill out. I take a pen out of my pocket and start filling out the form.
I came to the medical forms..... this is what I was mostly worried to fill out. I decided to not tell them about my special ability. It's too dangerous, and can make my own life at risk. I lie about if I need any pills or the fact that I haven't gone to the doctors in 12 years since I've got that.... thing.
---------1 hour later---------
I put my pen down after I've finished filling out the form. I carefully slip the papers together and paper clip them. While I was filling out the forms, I heard Edd come over and sit with me for a bit watching me fill out an bit of my form before giving me take out and leaves. I finally open the package of food to see that the food was from a Chinese restaurant. Orange chicken with rice and a medium cola. I eat it quickly when I realized how hungry I was, burping a bit too loudly than I expected. I look up to see that it was around 20:00. I guess I have to go to sleep now if I want to wake up really early tomorrow then. I stand up, and pick up the papers on my way to my room. I put them on my bed side table and set my alarm clock to 4:30. I turn off my lights and turn away from the papers and the alarm clock and snuggle into the blanket. I.... wish Tord was with me.... that was really nice when we cuddled together. And then, I fall asleep.

I hear the beeping of my alarm clock go off. I groan as I roll over and slam my hand on top of my alarm clock disabling it. Then I remember what I have to get ready for. I sit up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face to wash the sleep away. And go back and grab the papers. I put on my usual blue hoodie and put my keys inside my pocket of the jeans I was wearing. I open the door to the outside of my apartment and walk towards the stairs to go down. When I come to the lowest floor, I see no one at the front desk. I don't blame them. It's too early to be awake. I open the door and feel the cool breeze brush against me. I sigh and walk towards the forest that was at the northern part of the city where there were trees. That took me about 30 mins to get there. Once I make it to the spot, I towards where the sun would rise. I could see a small light start to form.
"I see that you're here for your test." Said a familiar voice.
"That's Red Leader to you Thomas." The voice cuts me off.
"Put the papers next to the bench to your right."
I do as he says and place them on the ground. I hear a snap of a finger and look up to see nothing but trees. I look back at where the papers were but they weren't there. I step back in surprise. I hear I quiet hum and a shuffling of papers before it all stops suddenly.
"First task is to go as fast as you can, through this forest until you will get to a road. If you object, then that shows that you are not ready. Good luck."
/// Ok, now is where things will start to get interesting. Cause we are starting to near the end of the book. Have a great day guys! ///

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