In A Few Hours, War Will Be Happening. (3K!!!)

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Edds POV
I look out the window of my room quietly thinking. What is Tom doing right now? Did he succeed in the tests that were thrown at him? It bothers me to not know how he's doing. For all I know, he could be in pain!
I start to pace around my room. Listening to the soft padding of my feet against the carpet.
I hear a door open and close, probably Matt coming in to check on me. I go to my bed side drawer where my phone was and see two texts from Matt.
Matt: Edd lock your doors and windows!
Matt: someone is trying to get in to your room!
I look up from my phone, my back to the door. I feel cold sweat drip down my back. I quickly text,
They found me!
I fall to the ground, head pounding. Just before I pass out, I click the send button. And everything goes black.
Matt's POV
I feel my phone buzz in my hand when I was looking through the window and at the same time trying to hide from being seen. I look at the three words that made me start to fully panic. 'They found me!' It said. Oh no, oh no, oh no! What do I do! Um..... oh!
I quickly dial Tom's phone number.
Tom's POV
"So here's your gun. Oh and I forgot to tell you, try not to call me by my real name around other solders. You can call me sir, Red Leader, or just Red." Tord says.
"Ok, Red." I reply, trying out the new nickname.
I hear my phone start ringing as Tord was giving me my new gun.
"Hold on" I say.
I look at who's calling and see it's Matt. Probably thinking of making me go buy more mirrors for him. I pick up and say,
"Matt, I swear if you-"
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Matt, calm down, what happened?"
"I'm not sure! They had grey over coats on! Like Tord's army! I think that they're a rebellion group!"
"Tom what's going on?" Asks Tord, completely confused.
"Not completely sure, but Matt says that someone kidnapped Edd and they have grey over coats on. He thinks that they're a rebellion group that's against you." I reply.
His eyes widen at first but then his face becomes full of anger.
"That's the largest rebellion group. They're probably using Edd as bait to lure me in to kill me."
"What?!?" I yell back.
"They've done it before but used pat as bait instead of Edd. We need to get the army ready! Follow me!" He says, giving me the gun as he sprints out of the room. Me closely behind him.
We hear two other pairs of footsteps behind us and hear
"Sir, what's going on?!" Says a familiar voice.
"One of my friends have been kidnapped by the largest rebellion group to lure me in like last time! We are going to tell the army about the situation! Pau, pat, It's time we take down that rebellion group! Follow me you two!" Red yells back.
The four of us get to his office as Red places his palm on the sensor and the wall opens. He runs towards his desk and taps each corner of his desk and says,
"Sound the alarm" and gets the reply of a loud beeping.
"Tom, there's no time for you to practice with the gun. As I was going out, I got a harpoon. So here." He says as he tosses me a harpoon. I catch it and look at it and nod.
"Alright, let's go." Red says, and Ak-47 on his back, twin pistols with scopes on them in his pockets and a sash full of bullets across his chest under his blue overcoat.
We follow Red back out into the hallways and outside where we saw his solders gathering up together and talking in hushed voices.
Once everyone was outside and quiet, Red started to explain what is happening.
"Solders! I have sounded the alarm because of the rebellion group."
I heard many boo's and some talking.
"They decided to kidnap one of my closest friends to bait me towards them. Like last time."
We heard gasps and more booing.
"Since we have so many people, and many more becoming hired, I think it's time we take DOWN that REBELLION!" Red yells out.
As a reply, there was loud cheering that lasted for a good while. When it quieted down again, Tord kept on going with his speech.
"Since their base is near a cliff, I want quadrant 1 to be in the middle with some quadrant 2 and 3 members over lapping you guys. Quadrant 2 you'll be on the left side and quadrant 1 you'll be on the right side. I will be on the right with quadrant 1 and so will right and left hand men. We will drive the rebels towards the cliff and either have them surrender and force them to split apart, of kill them all with no mercy. Maybe even push some off the cliff where they will drown in the rapid waters. We will go at sundown. The sun will be behind us so if they were to look towards the sun, they would have trouble seeing us and when they do notice, it will be too late."
There were some 'yes sir!"'s and nodding in the crowd.
"Remember, we are all....?"
"Everyone, get some rest before the battle. You'll need it."
"Yes sir!"
Everyone starts to move back towards the base. In a few hours, war will be happening, Tom will have his first taste of it and the biggest rebellion group will be taken down. It will be a solid victory.
Or will it?
/// Ooooohhhhh I made a SPICY ENDING!!!!!! 1 or 2 chapters left! And I'm so exited. Oh, and thanks for 3k!!! That was so quick! Anyways have a great day!!! ///

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