Panic and Police

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///some crazy stuff will be happening in this chapter. So get ready!///

What if this doesn't work? What will their reactions be? Will they bee mad? Oh god. Without noticing, coming up behind Tord was Paul and pat, unaware of the fact that Tord was starting to hyperventilate.
"Well that... was helpful" said Paul, a bit confused about who that guy was.
"Who was that guy Tord?" Said pat, as if knowing what Tord was thinking.
And then they saw that Tord was hyperventilating.
They're going to HATE you when they see you!
No they won't! Eduardo said that they miss you!
"Tord!" He could barely hear a voice calling out to him.
Stop it! Stop trying to make m-
That made him snap out of his panic attack. Making him shoot up to a sitting position. Tord saw Paul and pat crouching down next to him rubbing his back in circles, trying to comfort him.
"Tord are you with us?" Said Paul and pat in unison, worry laced around their words.
Tord nodded slowly. He felt something wet slowly sliding down his cheek and went to touch it.
I'm.... crying? Again? Oh god. Get a hold of your self!
Tord stood up, wiping his red hoodies sleeve at his cheek to take away the tears.
"Are you alri-"
"Fine. Just a panic attack. Let's just get back to base for now. I need to think about my next move." Tord said. Not even letting pat finish his sentence.
"Ok, lets go" pat said bringing out a hand for Tord to grab on to and pull himself up
"You sure your alright?" Paul said.
"Yes solder. Just thinking."
No discussions were made to the walk back to the car. People were starting to get out of their hotels and on to the streets which made the trio very uneasy.
Then in the corner of his eye, Tord saw policemen.
"Keep your heads low, there are police around." Tord warned the two getting nods as a reply. Tord was about to pull his hood up until he heard what he was afraid of.
"HEY IT THE RED LEADER! SHOOT HIM DOWN!" Screamed a police officer.
Tord pulled up his hood all the way and started to break into a sprint with Paul and pat trailing close behind. He heard gunshots and bullets streaming by. Tord took out his pistol and started shooting behind him while running. He hears a oof and grins.
Got one! He thought in his head. But right after gets an intense pain in his calf and falls hard on the sidewalk.
"SIR!" Both Paul and pat say in unison again. Paul takes out a pistol and starts firing at the police officers while pat got to Tord and carried him with him as Tord was still shooting and biting his lip trying not to cry out in pain.
Both started sprinting again as fast as they could.
Tord tapped on his robot arm 3 times which gives a signal for back up to his solders and where his location was.
///I never said anything about him wearing an eyepatch or a robotic arm. Crap///
Paul and pat were making hard turns trying to lose the police. They ended up running into an alleyway.
"I think we lost them" said Paul gasping for breath.
"Are you kidding me?!" Said Tord under his breath.
"NEVER!" Said Paul and Pat.
Then it became a disaster, Tord was sitting on the ground clutching his calf in one hand losing a lot of blood in the process and shooting with a gun in another. Paul and Pat were both standing side by side with Tord. Not leaving him. They saw as more and more police officers came. At first it was a 3-3 battle to a 12-3 battle. There was no way that they could win that fight. They started to panic. They didn't want to get caught! Thats the last thing they need!
Out of nowhere came a rocket streaming down towards the police officers. They scrambled away from the missle. Some were successful while others were blown away.
The trio looked up to see a helicopter and 4 fighter jets fighting off the police. The heli, lowered down for Paul, Pat and Tord to get on. Once Tord got on, with a little help, he was saluted by 5 solders, all saying "Red Leader sir!"
Tord's reply was a grunt. He was too busy trying to fight the pain.
"Get back to base!" Shouted a solder over a walkie talky (or whatever you call them) and got a reply as a 'ok'.
The helicopter lifted up off the ground and headed a bit off to base. Just in case the police were to follow them. The jets soon followed catching up quickly.
"Get some doctors ready! R.L is injured!" Said another solder over the walkie talkie who was giving Tord painkillers.
------------- 15 mins later
The helicopter landed with Tord unconscious. There were five doctors with a stretcher who placed him on and hurried him to the base hospital. Paul and Pat going with them.
"He'll be ok right?" Said Pat to one of the doctors.
"He's lost a lot of blood so his chances of making it are lowered." Said the doctor.
They made it to the hospital. " Paul and Pat I need you guys to go to the waiting room. We will have to do the surgery of getting out the bullet right now."
Paul and Pat go to the waiting room and sit next to each other on a couch.
"I hope he's ok." Said Paul leaning his head on Pat's shoulder to rest.
"Me too." Said Patryk putting his head on top of Paul's head.
/// got a bit of a longer chapter for you all!///

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