7 Minutes in Heaven Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

She scoffed. “Don’t even deny it, Song. I saw you two making out yesterday in the library before the wrestling match. And let me say that it was disgusting.” She made a face before giving me that holier-than-thou look. “I bet your precious brother doesn’t know. What will he think when everyone spreads the news to him?”

“You wouldn’t…” I muttered dangerously.

Michelle smirked. “In fact, I would.” She pulled up her shirt and pulled down her skirt a little before offering, “Look, I’ll make a deal with you.”

“And why should I deal with someone as distrustful as you?” I snapped.

“It’s either you make a deal with me or I tell Emmett,” she hissed.

Damn it…I thought. I heaved a sigh. “What is it?” I asked through gritted teeth.

She smirked. “That a girl.” I narrowed my eyes at her, but she ignored it. “Here’s the deal: You stay away from my man”—

“I thought Nate made it clear he’s not your”—

“Shut your trap and listen!” she interrupted crossly. I rolled my eyes, and she threatened to slap me with that spray tanned hand of hers. “You stay away from my man; don’t even call him by his name. You hear?”

“Uh-huh,” I agreed flatly. Michelle slapped me across the face, leaving a small red mark on my cheek. And in all honesty, it hardly hurt, just a slight sting. However, I stifled a laugh at how weak she was and sent a deadly glare in her direction.

“Now…” she continued, paying no heed to how pissed off I was, “if you break the deal, I’m going to tell Emmett. Is that a deal?”

Michelle extended a hand to me, and I had an urge to spit on it. But I reluctantly outstretched my hand and shook on it. Before she could walk away, I noted, “And just so you know, Nate’s never slept with me.”

She looked over her shoulder and sneered with that arrogant smirk on her face. “Of course he didn’t. Why would he want to do such a thing to a prude like you?” She turned away and walked off as she brushed her hair off her shoulders.

Everyone else in the hall looked at me, asking repeatedly, “Is it true? Is it true? Is there really something going on between you and Stanford?” I rolled my eyes, shrugging. Now I’m so glad that Emmett didn’t come to school today. Otherwise I’d be screwed—well duh, Jemma.

Jackson and Alice approached me at last, worried looks on their faces. “Jemma…” Alice began.

I exchanged glances with Jackson before asking, “He told you?” She nodded slowly. Sighing while looking down at my feet guiltily, I apologized, “I’m sorry…I should’ve told you.”

Alice shook her head. “No, I don’t blame you. I understand why though…but I just don’t get what you see in him.”

I shrugged. “Me neither.”

We leisurely walked through the halls, on our way to our own separate classes as I explained a little more about what’s been going on between Nate and me (by saying his name in just a whisper around people…knowing that tell Michelle). Alice listened intently, but I knew that by her expression she was slightly disappointed in me. I knew she didn’t want to let me down, but I understood why none of my friends approved of this. It’s risky.

“So…” Alice began, leaning close so that she’s out of earshot, “do you love him?”

I swallowed hard. I never admitted this out loud, but I had to. “Yes…”

Alice frowned, but I didn’t react towards it. “Jemma, hun, just be careful, okay?” When she called me “hun,” I knew she was comforting me in advance. “Make sure you’re not mistaking yourself for lust… I’m not trying to put you down and discourage you, but just…”

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