"From what I heard, you just did the right thing" the man said. "Don't blame yourself for everything...aren't you glad that your friend doesn't need to go through this hell?"

I guess he's right. At least she's safe now or at least just part of the undead. I mean she doesn't need to run away, to fight, or to survive in this world.

"I guess you're right" I said in a sad tone.

"Why don't I just cook for you, sweetie" The lady said with a smile. "I'm Emily by the way, he's Richard and my daughter Samantha."

"Hi Sam!" I greeted the little girl.

"Hi Phoebe!!" She said energetically.

"So, how old are you?" I asked her.

"I'm 5 years old turning 6 in three days!" She happily said with a big smile.

"Wow, that's great!" I told her and I patted her head.

"Now, now, sweetie, calm down" Richard said, I assumed, her father.

"No, it's okay" I told him with sincerity. "She really reminds me of my younger sister so it's fine."

"If you say so" he said leaving the living room to help his wife to cook.

This. This actually feels like a home to me. It was like there's no problem around us. No dead people, no fighting and such. It was just like a normal family dinner. The food was very tasty. Emily really knows how to cook.

"How was it sweetie?" she asked me.

"It's very tasty. You're a really good cook Emily" I praised her.

"Thank you! I barely hear that these days" she said looking pointedly at her husband.

"But, mommy you already know that" Samantha said while eating.

"Well, that's true" she proudly said.

Everybody laughed and I temporarily forgot the problems surrounding us. I wish my family and I were exactly just like this. I truly miss them. I hope they are safe and together somewhere.

"Hey, Phoebe, are you okay?" Samantha snapped me back in reality.

I raised my head and saw their worried expressions.

"Yes, I...uh...just miss my family" I honestly told them.

"You will see them again, don't worry!" Samantha said trying to cheer me up.

I cracked a smile and we continued eating.

"Wait," I started. "How come you still have electricity?"

"Generator" Richard simply answered with a smile.

"How about the water?" I asked again.

"We have enough water since Chard here always prepares for the worst but we managed to find an abandoned water truck and we decide to take some water for cooking and taking a bath." Emily answered.

Oh. That's lucky for them. I wish my family is still happy just like this. I hope they're alive.

"I heard you guys are supposed to be put in a safe facility?" I asked. "Why are you still here?"

"Don't believe anything the government says, sweetie" Emily said as we finished eating.

"Samantha, time to sleep" Richard in a sweet voice.

"Phoebe, can you tell me a story?" Samantha asked me with a puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, baby" I said as I smiled at her.

"Thank you sweetie" Emily pat me in the back.

"Don't worry we'll take care of you" Richard said with sincerity.

At least now I know that I won't be alone this time.

A/N: Sorry for the late upload. Vote and comment down below about your opinions on the story.

AS THE DEAD RISES: Book 1 & 2 [COMPLETED] {EDITING}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя