Chapter 11

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"Abbie I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left. That was really terrible of me." Pony kisses my cheek softly and wipes off my remaining tears.

"No I'm sorry. It wasn't right of me to keep that from you" I say softly into his chest, still hugging him.

"PONYBOY!" Sodapop screams hugging us both

"Pony, what happened?" Soda asked taking off shirt to clean off his wound.

"I, uh, hit my head on a... tree... Yea. A tree." He says. He's lying and he knows I know.

"Ponyboy what happened?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Just some socs ok? Now back off." He snaps.

"Ohh kay. Well guess what." I say trying to change the subject.

Pony raises his eyebrow and Soda chuckles lightly.

"IT'S A GIRL!" I yell.

Ponyboy gets this awkward and confused look. "Uh. What"

"Emily. We found her on the street so we're keeping her until we find her parents."

"Ponyboy it's bleeding a lot I think we should take you home." Soda says.

"Let's go to my house it's closer" I say

We go into the car and drive to my house. "Come on Emily, let's go inside." I say picking her up. I bring her into my house followed by Soda, Pony, and Two-Bit.

"Emily, go watch Mickey Mouse with Two-Bit, OK?" I say setting her down in the kitchen.

"Come on, Soda. We should get Pony to lay down." We pull him up the stairs and lay him on my bed.

I grab the first aid kit from the bathroom and go back to where Ponyboy is laying. I clean off his cut and wrap it with cloth.

"That should do it." I say brushing my hands on my jeans. I kiss his lips softly and leave to go check on Emilie.

"So Emilie, my friend, Johnny, he got hurt a lot at home. Did that happen with you ever?" I ask softly.

"Johnny? Bubby?" She asks softly.

"Do you know Johnny?" Two-Bit asks.

She nods and says "My bubby."

"Ok. Two-Bit, can I talk to you in the kitchen?" I ask. He nods and follows me into the kitchen.

"Call Darry and ask if he can bring Johnny over really quick." I say handing him the wall phone.

"Hey Dally, can I talk to Darry?...Thanks.... Hi Darry. I was wondering if you could bring Johnny over to Abbie's house.... Yes... Ok. Thanks... Bye." He says hanging up.

"He's on his way." Two-Bit says.


"Hey Ponyboy. Darry is coming over with Johnny in about 5 minutes. You want to have Darry look at your cut?" I ask sitting next to him on my bed.

"Naw, it's ok. Right now I just want to send my 5 minutes with my beautiful girlfriend." He sits up next to me and softly brushes his lips against mine. "I love you." He whispers against my lips.

"I love you too." I say smiling. He pulls my hand into his and kisses my hand. Ponyboy pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear and I blush.
"Abbie, Darry and Johnny are here." I hear Soda call from down stairs.

"Coming!" I call down to Soda. I kiss Pony's cheek and run down the stairs to Emilie.

"Ok, Em, I want you to tell me if you know my buddy Johnny." I say and she nods her head.

Johnny walks into my house and calls "You guys, I'm here waddya need?" He smiles at us and his eyes light up when he sees Em. "Em?" He whispers. She wiggles out of my arms and yells "Bubby!!!"

"How did you get out of there Em?" He asks hugging her tightly. Tears pour down both of their faces and Darry puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks a lot, kid." Darry whispers squeezing my shoulder.

"I sneaked out when mommy and dada were fighting." She says squeezing his arm.

He looks over to me and smiles. "Thank you, so so much."

I hug him from his side and say "Any thing for my best friend's best boyfriend."

"You got a girlfriend? How?" Em asks giggling.

"I'm gonna go get Kee some more clothes and bring them to the hospital. Anyone want to come?"

"I'll come." Johnny and Em nods.

"I'll go get Pony." I say going up the stairs. I stop first at Kee-Kee's room to pack her some more clothes and a box of twinkies.

"Ponyboy. Imma go to the hospital with Johnny to visit Kee. You wanna come?

"Sure. Lemme clean up really fast."

"I can help you." I offer blushing."Thanks." He says flinching as he pulls off his shirt. I get a cloth wet and clean off his grass stains on his arm and clean off a scratch on his shoulder. I kiss the front of his shoulder after I clean off the back of it. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you." I whisper back

"Hey Kee we're here!" I say putting the bags I was carrying in the chair next to her.

"Hey Abbie, Hi Ponyboy." She smiles.

"Hey beautiful." Johnny whispers in her ear loudly, and pushes a few of her dark locks behind her ear.

She smiles and giggles a bit running her hands through her hair.

"When can you leave? You've been here forever!" I say groaning. I put my head on Pony's shoulder and pretend I'm dead for a couple of seconds.

"Doc said I can go tonight." She says rolling her eyes. "But do you know what's soon?" She says evilly.

"Oh please don't tell them about it. I don't like people fussing about my birth-- crap." I say, and I really did mean it. I hate when people do nice things for me since its my birthday and totally go back to hating me the day after. Like who does that?!? Jerks do that's who.

"My little ole' girlfriend is turning 16, yea?" Pony teases me and I playfully punch him in the shoulder.

"Please don't make it a huge deal, it's not even that special anyways. Lots of people are born on July 3rd. Tom Cruise is." I mumble (A/N: muahahaha)

"Yea, but you're special." Kee says.

"Special in the brain." I say rolling my eyes.

"Kee-Kee, your discharge paperwork is finished. You can go when you're ready." The female doctor says.

"I'm gonna go change and shower." Kee states.

Ponyboy wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my temple.

"I love you." Ponyboy whispers

"Always?" I ask

"And for forever." He replies.

The Dangers of Love (Outsiders Fanfic)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum