Chapter 4

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Chapter 5:
Abbie's POV

"Abbie, wake up" Pony says rubbing my back.

"noooooo" I say stuffing my face back into Pony's pillow.

"Baby, come on. We have to get ready for school." He says kissing my cheek.

I roll out of his bed and crawl over to my bag and take out a strapless coral dress with my black flats. After I finish putting it all on, I put on my makeup and I curl my hair.

"You look beautiful" Pony whispers in my ear, hugging my waist from behind me.

I turn around and see him in a black v-neck shirt, probably Darry's, with jeans.

I smile and peck his lips. "You look very handsome." I whisper in his ear.

He bends down and kisses me. He drags his tounge across my lip.

"PDA!" Steve yells handing Soda his DX shirt.

"Aw Steve, leave them be, their just kids" Darry says grabbing a cinnamon raisin bagel out of the fridge.

"Y'all better get going to school. Pony, get going." Darry says handing us our book bags.

Pony holds my hand as we walk down the road to our school.

"Pony, where's Kee-Kee and Johnny?" I ask curiously.

"They went in early." He says kissing the top of my head.

"I love you, Abbie." Pony says.

"I love you too" I say to Pony kissing his cheek.

We stop for a little bit because we were early.

Pony pushes his lip against mine and I kiss him back. His lips move in sync with mine. After we catch our breath, we start walking to school. Pony pulls a cigarette out and hands one to Dally and lights one for him.

"Pony..." I say crinkling up my nose at the smell.

"Aye, Pony, shouldn't you be listening to your little girlfriend?" Dally says laughing.

"Shouldn't you be sucking faces with Jennie?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Eh. She's busy sucking faces with Randy now." He says breathing out smoke.

"Aw geez Dally, I'm sorry. That was a crappy move of me..." I say glaring at Jennie.

"It just hurts cause that's my baby she's carryin'" Dally says rolling his eyes.

"Damn, you popped her cherry?" I ask surprised.

"yup." He says while the bell rings.

Pony holds my hand and walks me to my first class.

"Bye Pony. I love you." I say kissing his cheek.

"Bye. Love you too." He smiles at me as I walk into my class.

I go and sit next to Dodo, because that's the only seat open.

"How's your hand feeling?" Dodo asks me.

"You should care why?" I ask him.

"You don't look like a greaser. Your to hot in that dress to be one." He says.

"Listen Bub, I have a boyfriend. Back off." I snap.

"Oh, is it Austin? That's right he found you." Dodo whispers in my ear.

Oh god, what if he did find me...

Flash back:

My heart slows and pain comes to my neck.

"You lying slut!" Austin yells.

"Austin... D-don't believe him. He's just... Jealous." I say stuttering out of fear.

"SHUT UP YOU LYING SLUT!" Austin yells.

He throws the pot of boiling water at my collar bone. I cry out in pain and bend down to the floor letting the tears pour down my face.

"What the hell, Austin?!" Jackson yells punching him in the face.

Cops fill my house and arrest Austin. People take me into the ambulance, and treat my neck because of the boiling water.

**12 months later**

"Forever and always." Jackson says.

"Forever and--" I scream out of terror as he gets shot to death. The man runs off and I am here to watch Jackson die.

End flash back

"Ms. Brett? You need to come with me." Mrs. Black says smiling at me.

I grab my book bag and follow Mrs. Black.

"So, we have gotten reports from authorities that... Austin is in town" Mrs. Black says.

"We think they found him but we need to have your opinion if it is him or not." An officer says opening the door for me and Mrs. Black getting in the back.

Once we get there, he points out a tall, muscular man with long, shaggy blonde hair. He also has a scar across his right cheek.

"Yea. That's him. He has the scar across his cheek." I say.

The cop drives Mrs. Black and I back to school. I walk into 5th period and sit next to Pony. He passes a note to me.

**bold is Abbie

**slanted is Pony

Hey where were you at lunch today? I missed uuuu!

Aww missed u too :) I'll tell u once we get back to ur house

Once the bell rings and we get home, Pony passionately kisses me.

"Now, where did you go?" He asks.

This will be interesting...

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