Chapter 9

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Abbie's POV

"Hello, this is The Sunshine Hotel. How can I help you?" A grumpy old voice asks.

"Hi, can you put me through to Jacob Johnson?" I ask.

"Whatever." She mumbles.

"Hello?" A scratchy voice asks.

"Hey, Jacob. Did I wake you up?" I ask.

"Uh, yea, but it's ok. Meet me here in thirty minutes?" he asks.

"I can't then sorry, I have to vist Kee', buy some new stuff for my house and get a few presents." One for my boyfriend, I wanted to add, but I just couldn't hurt him like he hurt me. Because I'm nice like that.

"Oh," He says sounding dissapointed, "Ok, well, see you later."

"Ok, bye." I say hanging up the phone.

I grab my dad's credit card and my purse, and go to the furniture store. I choose black leather chairs, black leather loveseat and couch, and I get a coffee table with some coasters so Two-Bit will have a dang place to put his nasty alchahol when I let him have it here.

I bring them to my car and stuff the the chairs and coffee tables into the back. Once I get home, I put those together, and got a call from the furniture place saying that the couches will be here tomorrow.

I hear the phone ring and so I answered it. "Hello?" I ask.

"Hi, it's Pony."

"How are you?"

"I'm good. Abbie, want to come over?"

I giggle "Uh sure, why?"

"I gotta supise for you, love you, bye!" He says hanging up.

"I love you too." I whisper hanging up the phone.

I grab my present for Ponyboy, a new copy of Gone With The Wind, since his got stolen from his locker by some socs.

I head over to his house and get suprised by being splashed with a giant bucket full of water. That boy is lucky I wrapped his present in some plasticwrap as well, otherwise he'd be getting a fat, soggy book. Ew, what if it molded? That'd be so gross, like "Hey guys, check out the moldy book my girlfriend got for me!" They'd be like "Uh, that's... great?"

"Ponyboy Curtis, you could have ruined your present!" I say smacking him with the book playfully and glared at him.

"Aw, Abbie, you didn't have to get me a present." He says looking into my eyes.

"Yea I did." I whisper.

"Why?" he asks softly.

"Because," I say, "I love you."

"I love you too." he whispers kissing my forehead.

I feel my body warm and sparks fly, and I feel like I'm in Heaven.


"We're gonna go on a date." Pony says grabbing a duffel bag.

"Uh... What?" I ask, "Uh, sorry, I mean, where."

Ponyboy chuckles and drags me down past the park, past a few streets, and into a willow tree. Behind it was a huge, beautiful pond. Pony opens up the duffel bag. He sets the quilt down under the shady tree. He pulls out a few candles out from the bag, too. I pick one up and smell it.


"Yea, they were my dad's when he took my Mom on their first date here."

He pulls out a pillow and lays it on the quilt. He pats the spot next to him on the quilt, to tell me to come sit there. I sit next to him as he pulls out a book. I put my head on his chest as he reads out loud. After he stops reading, he plays with my hair. I fall soon fall asleep.


"Hi, Keisha, please?" I say to the nurse.

"Yup, go ahead." She replies, as I walk to her room.

"Kee', I don't know what to do, what if she hates me?" I hear Jacob say.

"Jacob, you know I don't like talkin' about your relationship with Abbie, or whatever it is. And, she has a boyfriend, they're happy." She snaps.

"Hey, Kee'" I say walking in.

"Hey, girl! How are you?!" She smiles.

"Good, you?"

"Well, I'm good if you consider alive good" she says laughing.

"Hey, Abbie." Jacob says touching my shoulder.

"Hey." I whisper.

"Well, this is awkward." Kee-Kee says, making me laugh.

"I have to go Christmas present shopping for the boys and you, so I'm gonna go," I say, "Bye, Kee' feel better!"

I sigh of relief leaving the room. I go to the mall and see Jennie crying. I walk over to her and sit at her table.

"What do you want?" She snaps sniffing her nose.

"I feel like I should be asking you that." I say.. "You shouldn't have left Dally for Randy."

"I know." She whispers.

"Um, what happened?"

"Randy, he... He hit me."

"Like how Austin did to me?" I ask "Or not as bad?"

"Not as bad, but it was on my stomach, I'm worried for my kid"

"Let's go to my house and you could shower. Then we can go to the doctors" I say standing up.

She nods her head, and gets up. We keep our heads down and quickly walk past a group of socs.

We get to my house and I show Jennie to the bathroom and my room. I go back down stairs, and see Johnny, Dally, and Pony sitting on my new couch and on the floor.

"Hey guys." I say sitting on one of the chairs.

"Hello." They say in unison.

"So um... Jennie is upstairs." I say quietly.

"oh." Dally says simply.

"Randy hit her."

Dally gets a look of anger in his eyes but he still doesn't say anything.

"We're going to the doctors office after this. Do you guys wanna come?" I ask.

Johnny shakes his head no, Ponyboy shrugs, and Dally stays emotionless.

"Abbie, let's go!" Jennie calls walking down the stairs.

"Is it ok if Pony and Dally come?" I call.

"Don't care." She replies.

"Bye Johnny see you at the hospital later, come along boys." I say grabbing my purse. I lock the door behind us and get into my car. Jennie sits in the back next to Dally and Pony sits shotgun.

We get into the doctors office and once Jennie gets called back, only Dally goes with her.

"I think Jennie was over exaggerating." I say.

"A little bit." Pony says.

"Excuse me? Are you Abigail Brett?" A man asks behind me.

"Yea who are--" oh my god. The familiar icy blue eyes with the scar across the right eye stares at me with a devious smirk.

"Austin." I whisper.


I'll update later today, and I've decided against the imagines. I don't have good enough imagination for them. But if you want to read some good imagines, read RaeD0906 's outsider imagines.

Bye people!!! :)


The Dangers of Love (Outsiders Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz